STATUS OF TREMOVE DEVELOPMENT Stef Proost, Bart Van Herbruggen, Steven Logghe Third CAFE Stakeholder Meeting 30 April 2004, Brussels 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting
TREMOVE Development : project status Lot 1 : Completed Mar. 2004 Model design and preliminary baseline Lot 2 : Dec. 2004 Stakeholder Consultation on model and baseline 27-28 May : Activity and Fleets 21 June : Emissions Identification of emission reduction options Model ready by Oct. 2004 (revised baseline, all modules) Lot 3 : until Oct. 2006 : Policy Simulations 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting
3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting Passenger Transport Volumes calibrated on 1995 PRIMES data. Projection 2020 close (-4.3%) for road 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting
3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting Freight Transport Volumes calibrated on 1995 PRIMES data. Projection 2020 close (+1.5%) for road 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting
3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting Fuel consumption underestimated in TREMOVE vs. PRIMES (-23% in 2000) Diesel bias increases the gap by 2020 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting
3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting Stronger Diesel Penetration (80% vs. 60% in 2020 has an impact on PM emissions. 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting
3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting Lower NOx Emissions 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting
Off-Road : Different Scope 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting
3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting Next steps: Further co-ordination between TREMOVE, PRIMES AND RAINS modellers Action on fuel consumption in TREMOVE: Revised fuel consumption factors for passenger cars Improvement truck modelling (load factors) Further consistency check on RAINS emissions (different vehicle categories) Revised Transport baseline ready for 31/8/2004 30/4/2004 3rd C.A.F.E. Stakeholders Meeting