Vocabulary and Definition Unit 4, Wk 4 Vocabulary and Definition
Controlled Define: made something happen by using power. Example: Tom controlled his toy boat’s movements from the shore. Ask: What is something you have controlled at home?
Direction Define: a way to a specific point; a specific instruction. Example: The sign showed us which direction to go. Ask: Can you point in the direction of the door?
Flight Define: to move through the air. Example: The first airplane flight took place many years ago. Ask: Where would you like to go on an airplane flight?
Impossible Define: unable to be done. Example: Crossing this river is impossible, so we will have to go a different way. Ask: Can you name something that is impossible to do?
Launched Define: to start something in motion. Example: The space shuttle launched and soared toward space. Ask: What other things can be launched?
Motion Define: movement. Example: Julie enjoys the motion of the swing. Ask: What kinds of motion do you like?
Passenger Define: person who travels in a vehicle. Example: Denise likes being a passenger in the car. Ask: When was the last time you were a passenger?
Popular Define: to be liked by many people. Example: Soccer is the most popular sport at our school. Ask: Can you tell about a popular sport at your school?