Computers 8 Andy Tang
Water Makes up half your body weight. Helps fight off illness. Needed for digestion. All cells depend on water to give oxygen. Body requires several liters per day. Also known as H20 Contains no calories and very refreshing.
Dietary Minerals Helps body grow, develop & stay healthy. 2 types - macrominerals & trace minerals. Body requires lots of macrominerals. Needs very little trace minerals. Macrominerals build strong bones and transmit nerve impulses. They include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur. Calcium develops bones.
Vitamins Vitamins are substances that are found in foods we eat. Vitamin D milk helps your bones. Vitamin A develops better night vision. Vitamin C helps your body heal minor wounds. Vitamin B help your body produce protein and energy. Two types: fat soluble and water soluble. F.S. stored in liver, W.S. not stored.
Fiber They’re indigestible carbohydrates. Helps move food through digestive system. Found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Helps prevent diabetes and heart disease. Makes us feel full. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and lowers cholesterol. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water.
Protein Builds up, maintains, and heals body tissue. Produces hemoglobin (carries oxygen). Builds and maintains heart muscles. Boosts the immune system. Gives you raw power. Balance hormones and control metabolism. Half your non-water body mass is made of protein.
Fat A component in food. Meats, oil and nuts contains lots of fat. Fruits and vegetables have almost no fat. Correctly develops brain and nervous system. An important source of energy. Needed for absorbing vitamins. Makes fatty acids for heart health, hormones and healthy cells.
Carbohydrates Body breaks down into simple sugars. Major source of energy for body. 2 types- Simple Sugars Complex sugars (starches) - Found in candy and -Healthier; found in wheat Fruits and vegetables. and breads.