Managed Dark Fiber Experiences Terena TF-MSP: Non-technical issues of Managed Dark Fiber, Amsterdam
SURFnet - We make innovation work1 Introduction -Paul Noomen -Service Level Manager Network Services -Managing outsourced NOC, Installation Partner, Fiber suppliers -SURFnet – Dutch NREN -160 connected institutions km Leased Dark Fiber
Dark Fiber structure -Ring structure -Redundant/protected connections SURFnet - We make innovation work2
Acquiring Dark Fiber -10+ different suppliers -National & regional -Cost - Multiple offers – European Law -Cost versus length -TCO = initial cost + maintenance cost -Lease, 15 year IRU SURFnet - We make innovation work3
4 Dark fiber database with geographical interface 4
Service Management of Dark Fiber -Availability -Fibercuts -Maintenance SURFnet - We make innovation work5
Dark Fiber availability -Availability parameter in many contracts -Always exclude -Maintenance -Fiber cuts -Not useful to us -No guarantees to end-customer -Availability fiber is not availability of connection -Never seen it happen SURFnet - We make innovation work6
Fiber cuts -Frequent -Once every year for 400 km fiber SURFnet - We make innovation work7
Repair time -Contractual repair time -8 to 17 hours depending on nr of fibers -Interim solution possible -Rarely seen -Actual: multiple factors -Location/access -Complexity -Number of fibers -Skill -Ca 80% repaired within SLA -Almost always other companies affected SURFnet - We make innovation work8
Subcontracting -Fiber suppliers use subcontractors -Limited number of subcontractors -Fiber supplies SHARE subcontractors -In case of multiple fiber cuts: delays SURFnet - We make innovation work9
Access to locations -Measurements to locate fault -Outside office hours often a problem -Especially on city-rings - Move to professional locations (also better facilities) -Good arrangements with suppliers and locations are necessary -Administration is essential -Procedures -Phone numbers -Escalation SURFnet - We make innovation work10
Penalties -Sounds nice -Little effect -Multiple companies have fibers in same cable -Suppliers want to minimise financial risk SURFnet - We make innovation work11
Escalation -NOC monitors maintenance and incidents -Maintenance not ready => incident -Escalation => SURFnet (me ) -P1 reports to be provided by NOC -And suppliers -If things really go wrong -We invite them for a visit SURFnet - We make innovation work12
Maintenance -Sometimes fibers are at risk -For example when cutting nearby fiber -Suppliers do not always tell SURFnet - We make innovation work13
Maintenance planning -Regular activity -New connections -New fibers/building activities -When planning: Outages in Maintenance Window -Plan own changes + suppliers maintenance -May influence each other -Weekly meeting to check planning with NOC and IP -Inform customers in time (5 days) -Procedure for emergency maintenance SURFnet - We make innovation work14
Three lessons 1 - many housing locations have limitations - facilities - access 2 - fiber cuts will happen (a lot) - be prepared - be realistic - manage expectations 3 – plan plan plan - new fibers - maintenance - changes SURFnet - We make innovation work15
Questions? SURFnet - We make innovation work16
SURFnet - We make innovation work17 Paul Noomen Paul.Noomen at Presentation released under Creative Commons