symbiosis TN Standard: symbiosis TN Standard: 6.LS2.2: Determine the impact of competitive, symbiotic, and predatory interactions in an ecosystem.
Symbiosis is… Commensalism Parasitism A close, long-term relationship between two species that usually involves an exchange of food or energy. Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism Which type of relationship do you think is shown in the picture?
Mutualism is… A symbiotic relationship between two species in which both organisms benefit. Commensalism is… A relationship between two species in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected. Remoras Barnacles Parasitism is… A relationship between two species in which one organism (the parasite) benefits and the other organism (the host) is harmed.`
Parasites….. ew!!!!!!! Now for a little pop quiz…
Can you identify these symbiotic relationships ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
“Are you talking to me?” Turn to your neighbor and explain The 3 relationships of Symbiosis: Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism