4/9/2019 Career Development
Developing career The sequence of occupational positions a person has had over the span of one’s life. The sequence of a person’s work-related activities and behaviors and associated attitudes, values and aspirations over the span of one’s life.
Career stages Maintenance Advancement Withdrawal Establishment Exploration 15 -22 yrs 23 – 26 yrs 27 – 45 yrs 46 -58 yrs 59 plus yrs
Career planning/development roles The individual (personal responsibility) Assess interests, skills and values Occupational and organizational choices Take the steps required to achieve a happy and fulfilling career The management (organizational responsibility) Provide feedback & career-oriented appraisals Provide development opportunities & career supports
Career stages and CP supports Issues Career Planning Support Establishment Identifying alternative careers Assessing interest and capabilities Learning how to perform effectively Finding out about self performance Provide communication and counselling about available career paths and the skills needed. Provide continuous feedback about job performance Counsel for improvements Advancement Developing concerns with getting ahead Discovering long-term career options Integrating career choices with personal lives Provide communication & counselling about challenging assignments & possibilities for more exposures Help to clarify long term career options & idea about achieving them
Career stages and CP supports Issues Career Planning Support Maintenance Helping newer employees Reassessing self and career and possible redirection Provide skills trainings to help others Assess circumstances and develop a new direction Withdrawal Managing stress about disengaging from work Establishing a secured post-career life Communicate about extra work options Give training for managing transition successful.
Personality orientations & career preferences (John Holland’s Model)
Personality-job fit concept developed by John Holland Satisfaction is highest & turnover is lowest when personality & occupation match Type Characteristics Occupation Realistic Shy, Stable, practical Mechanic, farmer Investigative Analytical, independent News reporter Social Friendly, cooperative Teacher Conventional Unimaginative, inflexible Accountant Enterprising Ambitious, energetic Lawyer Artistic Imaginative, emotional Musician, writer