RP 3 Webinar Series: System Improvement Overview of the RP 3 System Improvement Checklist Friday, May 9, :00pm – 2:00 pm
Staff & Presenter for this Call Phillip Solomon Energy Services Director, City of St. George Rene Fleming Water & Energy Services Conservation Coordinator, City of St. George
What is RP 3 ? Reliable Public Power Provider (RP 3 ) program –Peer-evaluation of your utilitys reliability, safety, work force development, and system improvement Two main goals: 1.Help public power perform a utility operational self-check by benchmarking on a national level 2.National recognition of the excellent service you provide to – customers, your community leaders, state and federal regulatory agencies, and members of Congress
Review Panel 2 – Large utilities 2 – Medium utilities 2 – Small utilities 1 – JAA/SA 1 – Reliability Representative 1 – Safety Representative 1 – System Improvement Representative 2 – Human Resources Representatives 2 – T&D Officers 2 – Safety Officers 2 – System Planning Officers Total = 18 member Review Panel of your peers
System Improvement – 25%
Checklist Walkthrough
Question Continued:
Checklist Walkthrough
2. Does your utility/city provide education outreach to the public, including policymakers, about its energy conservation and/or energy efficiency programs?
Checklist Walkthrough
Asset Requiring Maintenance Schedule for Maintenance/Inspection (e.g., yearly, every 10 years, daily, N/A) EXAMPLE: Meter testing EXAMPLE: Yearly EXAMPLE: Cable testing EXAMPLE: N/A Cable testing Capacitor switch testing Control house Crossarm/Insulator testing/inspections Cut-out testing/inspections Instrument transformer verification Meter testing Pedestal inspections (single phase) Pole testing Relay testing Substation battery testing/inspection Substation switch testing Substation transformer testing/inspections Transformer inspections (3-phase) Tree trimming Other (please list or include attachment: )
Checklist Walkthrough 2. System Losses: Does your utility have any processes/programs in place that address overall system loss?
Checklist Walkthrough Question Continued:
Checklist Walkthrough 3. Near-Term Capital and O&M Projects:
Checklist Walkthrough 3. Near-Term Capital and O&M Projects Continued:
Checklist Walkthrough 4. Planning Study:
Checklist Walkthrough 4. Planning Study Continued:
Review & Application Process Applications due: September 30, 2014 Preliminary check by APPA Staff: October 2014 Review Panel Taskforce: mid October 2014 Request for clarification/information is sent to applicants: November 2014 Final Review: December 2014 Applicants receive notification of their applications outcome: January/February 2015 Official award/announcement: APPAs Engineering and Operations Conference in Sacramento, May 17-20, 2015
Where to start: 1.Download the Application Packet Visit PublicPower.org/RP3 and click on ApplicationPublicPower.org/RP3 2.Read the RP3 Application Guide All forms, checklists, and RP3 questions are explained 3.Assign one point person that will compile the final submission 4.Complete checklists - Small utility may ask for help on specific sections from state association or joint action agency - Large utility may divide the sections among different departments 5. Review final checklists and all forms and Submit
RP 3 References Visit PublicPower.org/RP3PublicPower.org/RP3 Call/ other RP3 designated utilities Preview their application or just ask general questions (full list of designees is on the website) your questions to Call us: 202/ , Engineering Services –Webinars are recorded and can be accessed online
RP 3 Webinar Series Reliability, Safety, Work Force Development, and System Improvement –Recordings of each webinar available at