Japan’s Efforts to Promote a Safer Internet Environment for Children May 27, 2011 Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, JAPAN
Problems Illegal and/or harmful content, such as pornography, violence and information on drugs, on the Internet has been increasing. In recent years, crimes against children tied to SNS use have become a major concern. In 2010, 1,541 cases of crime were committed against children linked to SNS use (an increase of 194 cases from the previous year). In the same year, 1,239 children were victims of crimes linked to SNS use (an increase of 103 from the previous year). The majority of child victims used mobile phones to access SNS sites (98.2%). The Government of Japan has striven to formulate policies which reduce risks without reducing the potential opportunities and benefits of the Internet. (Balance between “Education and Restriction”)
Public Policies 2008 2009 2010–2011 Act Enacted Act in Effect Start of Filtering EMA Act Enacted Japan Safer Internet Program Published (Jan.) Act in Effect Five Principles Published Start of Filtering On the basis of the MIC Minister’s request, providers of mobile Internet services started offering filtering of content harmful to young persons for mobiles used by minors. Establishment of EMA (Content Evaluation and Monitoring Association) EMA was established in April 2008 as an independent, self-regulatory organization to improve filtering and to raise levels of ICT literacy. Act on the Development of an Environment Providing Safe and Secure Internet Use for Young People (Act No. 79 of 2008) The Act on the Development of an Environment Providing Safe and Secure Internet Use for Young People (Act No. 79 of 2008) was enacted in 2008 and went into effect on April 1, 2009. The Act requires that providers of mobile Internet services provide filtering for phones used by minors. However, parents and guardians may consent to the removal of such filtering from their children’s phones. Japan Safer Internet Program Following the enactment of the above Act and growing calls for voluntary efforts in the private sector and for ICT media literacy, MIC has put together the Japan Safer Internet Program, which includes education, as the main policy for countermeasures against illegal and harmful information.
Five Principles Awareness Raising Principle User Control Principle Parent initiative Principle Private initiative and Government Support Principle Third-Party Rating Principle