Consequences of MALNUTRITION [Student Name] [Institutional Affiliation]
What is the term “Malnutrition”? This is a serious condition occurring when an individual’s diet does not contain nutrients in right amount. It is also lack of proper nutrition and it results by a person not eating the right things enough, or not getting enough to eat.
Why did I choose malnutrition as my research topic? First, because World Health Organization report of 1995 acknowledged the fact that malnourished children undergo tremendous weight loss exposing them to greater risks such as loss of life. Hence, the report found it important to lay the focus on the long-term impact of child malnutrition and obesity and how being malnourished affects ones educational and health life. Second, so as to create awareness that malnutrition is affecting both rich and poor
Fundamental causes Food and water are the most essential factors for every human being Poverty- this is rampant in sub Saharan Africa Lack of access to food- because of poverty, many people are unable to access enough food Lack of safe drinking water- lack of clean water, dangerous hygiene practices and poor sanitation increase vulnerability to water borne diseases and infections which causes acute malnutrition directly Waggoner (2011) in his research found out that there are increasing attempts to clean drinking water globally. However, he noted that this is not the case with the Sub-Saharan Africa which still suffers from clean water supply shortage. Moreover, it affects the youth of the region, causing thousands of malnourished children with destructive mortality rates. The findings are evident in Egypt too. For instance, the villages who illegally build their residences on clean drinking water pipes have mixed them with the sewage canals, causing lack of clean water. Therefore, many children have been affected by such irresponsible acts.
Immediate causes Diseases- certain infections and diseases are directly linked to acute malnutrition such as diarrhoea, measles and tuberculosis. Inadequate dietary intake which leads to weight loss, lowered immunity and faltering in growth. Andrews (2012) in her study emphasized that kids lacking a good health is a widely spread phenomenon and may affect their adulthood too. The research has relation with the present study as they both believe that obesity is also considered a destructive power of children’s health. Benson (2010) pointed out that childhood obesity is a noteworthy general wellbeing issue leading towards human services expenses, diminished personal satisfaction and mortality. She further observed that adolescence obesity is connected to various natural, hereditary and mood fluctuations. Another perspective of hers centers attention on maternal occupation which appears to have impressive impact on youth corpulence
Long – term causes Insufficient health services Inadequate food access in a household Inadequate care for women and children Unhealthy environment Danit Rivka Shahar (1997) asserts through statistics that malnutrition is a common concern which influences 11% to 22% of elderly medicinal outpatients, adds to overabundance dreariness and mortality.
Two interesting results from the survey and from the interview On the survey, when asked whether the respondents ever diet to change their appearance, majority at 56% indicated that they diet to lose weight and look beautiful, 24% have never been on diet, 14% to be muscular and 6% to gain weight. The results are interesting because many women engage themselves in a dietary routine for them to lose weight so that they may get to the ideal thin. This move may be associated with starvation in case the victim does not meet her daily dietary requirement, thus leading to malnutrition. Apart, men who condition themselves on diet for them to be muscular may end up overeating, and this may lead to obesity. The interesting results from the interview indicated that a majority of the malnutrition patients were female, who basically suffer from obesity. Obesity among women is majorly associated with the consumption of fast foods. Moreover, many women unlike men do not like engaging themselves in physical exercises and this may be the other reason for them being obese.
Malnutrition Video
What should one do to have a healthy lifestyle? People should have knowledge on what comprises a healthy diet, and this can be achieved by having health education. People should have regular exercise program The government should also put in place measures that can help in curbing poverty, and ensure that there is proper health education on malnutrition.