6 Ideas to Deepen Your Group Prayer Time Adult Leaders
What are some common frustrations you have with your group’s prayer time? Too much time spent on prayer requests and not enough time for Bible study Same requests every week No follow-up on requests Lack of spiritual depth in prayer Prayers are too centered on self Other ___________________
Deepen Your Group Prayer Time What are some common elements of a great prayer time for a small group?
6 Ways to Engage Your Group to Pray Effectively Prayer Quads
6 Ways to Engage Your Group to Pray Effectively Prayer Quads Evangelism prayer lists
6 Ways to Engage Your Group to Pray Effectively Prayer Quads Evangelism prayer lists Pray for church leaders
Pray for Church Leaders Keep their eyes on God Not take one step that God has not directed them to make Beware of relying on their own strength Be wise in leading God’s people Weep over sin and failures of the church
Pray for Church Leaders (cont.) Find time to pray alone Walk worthy of their calling Speak the Gospel with boldness Finish well
6 Ways to Engage Your Group to Pray Effectively Prayer Quads Evangelism prayer lists Pray for church leaders Pray for church strategies
6 Ways to Engage Your Group to Pray Effectively Prayer Quads Evangelism prayer lists Pray for church leaders Pray for church strategies Bible-directed prayer
Bible-Directed Prayer Select a passage in advance Ask each group member to find the selected passage Model a prayer of what you want the group to follow Predetermine how much time the group will spend in prayer
Bible-Directed Prayer (cont.) Teach the group to pray God’s Word back to Him in prayer Group members will… Pray in their personal devotions Teach family members how to pray God’s Word Pray over the group’s Bible study Teach others how to pray by using the Bible
Bible-Directed Prayer (cont.) Pretend you are in a Sunday School class… Take turns and pray through Psalm 1:1-6
6 Ways to Engage Your Group to Pray Effectively Prayer Quads Evangelism prayer lists Pray for church leaders Pray for church strategies Bible-directed prayer Leadership
Leadership Enlist a Prayer Leader or Coordinator Develop a monthly plan to bring balance and freshness to the group’s prayer time
Sample plan 1st Sunday Evangelistic prayer list 2nd Sunday Church leaders & strategies 3rd Sunday Prayer quads 4th Sunday Bible-directed prayer