Welcome to Objective 2 programme Steiermark Austria 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1. Introduction The European Commission will actively participate in the development of the Steiermark region by co- financing the Objective 2 programme for the area during 2000-2006. The region is located in southeastern Austria along the Slovenian border. During the previous period the region was covered under the Objectives 2 and 5(b). The total cost of the programme is EUR 1 139 million, of wich EUR 215 million will be provided by the EU Structural Funds. 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.2 The map of the eligible area 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.3 Description of the eligible area The Steiermark region is located in southeastern Austria along the Slovenian border. A portion of this region qualifies as an Objective 2 region and includes a population of 660 773. The Steiermark region has in the past largely been an industrial region. Restructuring of the region's economy began two decades ago when modern industry began to take a hold in the area. A high rate of business start-ups, the creation of business clusters, and active R&D have contributed to sound economic growth. Despite this, the per capita GDP figure only stands at 91% of the EU average. 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.3 Description of the eligible area In the Objective 2 region, 52% of workers are employed in the secondary sector while the service sector (47%) clearly lags behind the national average (64%). Unemployment in the Steiermark region (5.0%) continues to be above the national average (4.7%) with substantial disparities within the region itself. In the past few years, the younger, older and long- term unemployed have seen their numbers decrease. 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
1.4 Main regional indicators in EU and Austria 1988-1998-9 Source: EC: Second report on Economic and Social Cohesion, Volume 2, Jan 2001 Economy Labour market GDP/head Empl.% of total, 1999 Unempl.rate% 1988 1998 Agri Indust. Servi. 1989 1999 EU15 100,0 100,0 4,5 29,2 66,0 8,4 9,4 Österreich 102,2 111,7 6,2 29,8 64,0 3,1 4,0 Burgenland 61,1 68,8 6,3 34,3 59,5 3,5 3,3 N-österreich 84,4 91,4 10,1 29,5 60,5 2,7 3,1 Wien 152,0 162,8 0,8 22,8 76,4 5,3 5,9 Kärnten 80,9 91,6 7,8 30,6 61,6 3,2 4,7 Steiermark 78,6 90,1 8,5 33,8 57,7 3,2 4,1 O-österreich 97,8 104,9 8,3 34,9 56,9 2,4 2,7 Salzburg 115,7 124,8 4,9 26,5 68,6 2,0 3,4 Tirol 102,0 113,4 4,8 24,3 70,9 2,0 4,7 Vorarlberg 105,3 111,8 2,0 41,2 56,8 1,5 3,5 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
2. Development strategy The overall aim of the Objective 2 programme is to help achieve sustainable development in key sectors of the regional economy and bolster the associated regional strengths in a move towards international competitiveness, thereby creating permanent jobs and improved living conditions. 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impact The programme includes the following four development priorities and 18 measures, together with technical assistance: 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impact Priority 1.Promoting the manufacturing and service sectors: Structural Funds: EUR 91 018 000 Total public funding: EUR 175 875 000 Total volume: EUR 744 859 000 (ERDF: 42.3% of total EU contribution), 5 measures: 1.Attracting new companies to the area 2.Setting up innovative new companies 3.Modernisation of enterprises 4.Improving the structure of the small-business sector 5.Environmental promotion 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impact Priority 2. Promoting competitive locations and preparing for the information society: Structural Funds: EUR 84 125 000 Total public funding: EUR 138 747 000 Total volume: EUR 277 461 000 (ERDF: 39.1% of total EU contribution), 6 measures: 1.Setting up/expanding innovative new business parks (‘Impulszentren’) 2.Inter-company research and innovation 3.R&D and innovation in firms 4.Networking, consultation and knowledge transfer 5.Preparing for the information society 6.Advisory services for small businesses 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impact Priority 3. Promoting the development potentials of integrated regional development, tourism and culture: Structural Funds: EUR 17 522 000 Total public funding: EUR 30 486 000 Total volume: EUR 63 184 000 (ERDF: 8.1% of total EU contribution), 5 measures: 1.Non-commercial tourism infrastructure; marketing and advertising, 2.Commercial tourism infrastructure and extended range of tourist products, 3.Commercial investment and lead firms, 4.Promoting cultural projects and initiatives, cultural infrastructure, 5.promoting regional development guidelines and concepts, regional management 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impact 4. Promoting employment and human resources Structural Funds: EUR 20 348 000 Total public funding: EUR 40 697 000 Total volume: EUR 48 559 000 (ESF: 9.4% of total EU contribution), 2 measures: 1.Training people threatened by exclusion from the labour market 2.Innovative training in firms 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
3. Priorities, measures and expected impact 5. Technical assistance Structural Funds: EUR 2 453 000 Total public funding: EUR 4 907 000 Total volume: EUR 4 907 000 (ERDF: 1.1% of total EU contribution), 2 measures: 1.Technical assistance in the narrow sense 2.Other expenditure in the context of technical assistance 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details The Office of the Styrian Regional Government (Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung) has been designated as the Managing Authority responsible for the overall coordination of the programme. The Austrian Regional Planning Conference (ÖROK: Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz) will act as the secretariat for both Objective 1 and 2 programmes. 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details The Monitoring Committee will include the competent Federal ministries (as appointed by the Federal Chancellery) and implementing bodies alongside the social partners and institutions responsible for equal opportunities and sustainable development. The Ministry of Finance and the department responsible for coordinating each Fund will have overall financial responsibility for financial control. 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung Landesbaudirektion, Referat für Wirtschaftspolitik Referent Tüchler, Claus Nikolaiplatz, 3, A-8020 Graz Tel.: +43.316.8774230/4228, Fax.: +43.316.8773129 E-mail.: claus.tuechler@stmk.gv.at Web: Steiermark Österreichischen Raumordnunskonferenz (ÖROK) Geschäftsführer Kunze, Eduard Hohenstaufengasse 3, A-1010 Wien Tel.: +43.1.5353444, Fax.: +43.1.5353454 E-mail.: oerok@oerok.gv.at Web: Österreichische Raumordnungkonferenz (ÖROK) 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
4. Management and contact details European Commission: Directorate-General Regional Policy UNIT D-3, Operations in Austria and Benelux Rue de la Loi 200, B-1040 Brussels Tel. +32-2-295 13 62 Fax +32-2-296 64 71 E-mail gerd.gratzer@cec.eu.int Visiting address: Gerd Gratzer Building CSM1, 6/80 23, rue Pere de Deken, 1040 Brussels 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
5. Financial and technical information Title : Objective 2 programme for Steiermark Intervention type : Single Programming Document CCI No. : 2000AT162DO006 No. of decision : C(2001)201 Final approval date : 21-MAR-01 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
6. Overview of monitoring indicators The following targets have been set at programme level: 3 000 new jobs, 7 600 jobs safeguarded, private investment of EUR 640 million (ATS 8.8 billion), support for 180 business start-ups/relocations, promoting around 700 in-company modernisation and structural improvement projects, support for 3 800 business consultancy projects, support for 500 R&D projects, Training at least 2 500 people from the target group annually (min. 50% women) 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL
7. Financial breakdown Breakdown of Finances by priority area (in millions of Euros) Priority area Total EU Public aid contrib. (EC+oth.) 1 The manufacturing and service sectors 744.859 91.018 175.875 2 The information society 277.461 84.125 138.747 3 Integrated regional development, tourism and culture 63.184 17.522 30.486 4 Technical assistance 4.907 2.453 4.907 5 Employment and human resources 48.559 20.348 40.697 Total 1138.970 215.466 390.712 Financial Breakdown by Funds (in millions of Euros) EU Contribution ERDF ESF Total : 215.467 195.119 20.348 100.00% 90.56% 9.44% 15/04/2019 DG REGIO/Unit D3/PL