Agenda for Monday, 3/11 and Tuesday 3/12 Senior Project Reminders and Due Dates! BOOK CHECK: Your book check is this Thursday or Friday. Make sure you have it with you so you can earn extra points! We may be reading quite a bit during this class session…so having your book is very important!!! SILENT READING: Also, be prepared to be given SOME class time to read your books. Start brining it with you every day we have class. If time allows, we may be able to fit in some silent reading throughout the week. READING CHECK: Your WRITTEN TEST on your novel is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday 4/8 and 4/9. Make sure you have your book read by that time! THESIS DUE: Your THESIS is due on Friday 4/12. Your quotes are due on Tuesday 4/16.
TITLE YOUR SENIOR PROJECT FOLDER AS FOLLOWS in GOOGLE DRIVE: IF YOU DON’T SHARE IT, I CAN’T ACCESS YOUR WORK TO GRADE IT! PERIOD FIRST INITIAL LAST NAME SENIOR PROJECT FOR EXAMPLE: 5 K Williams Senior Project Then, in that FOLDER, put all of your documents. You must share the FOLDER and the documents for me to be able to grade your work!
READ THE RAPE OF THE LOCK (pp. 600-606) Agenda for Monday, 3/4 and Tuesday 3/5 The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope CLASS/HOMEWORK FOR PERIOD 1-3-5: Quickwrite on pp. 599 READ THE RAPE OF THE LOCK (pp. 600-606) COMPLETE 5 of the 10 questions on pp. 607. YOUR CHOICE. Answers must be inferred.
Quickwrite on pp. 599 How can you tell if someone is vain? First, complete the survey. Decide what you consider VANITY and what you consider SELF CONFIDENCE. For many of you, the two terms might go hand in hand. Provide some examples of when you’ve seen someone be overly VAIN. How did it make you feel? Are you a VAIN person? Why or why not? You should have handed in quickwrite last class session.
Do you remember how to INFER? You certainly should! IT SAYS I SAY AND SO… What the book says… Your opinions… Your answer: RESTATE THE ? ANSWER THE QUESTION PROVIDE DETAIL AND SUPPORT FROM THE TEXT
Period 5 Strategies When You Don’t Understand Something You’ve Read GOOGLE the title of the work and look for a summary READ a second time at home (website) Find SMART FRIENDS and talk to them Find a SMART FRIEND outside of class and ask for help The LIBRARIAN – ANOTHER TEACHER – ADVISORY TEACHER You need to spend some time outside of class.
Agenda for Monday, 3/4 and Tuesday 3/5 The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope Today in class, with a group of 2 minimum – 4 maximum, complete the handouts you have been given. #93 – Understanding Elevated Language #95 – Literary Analysis (Period 5 – DUE End of class) Select a speaker for your group and be prepared to share your responses after 30 minutes. We will be using the ELMO and you will be leading the conversations. (Classwork points for participation today.)
Agenda for Monday, 3/4 and Tuesday 3/5 The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope Once we have completed the discussion, there will be a brief QUIZ on the story. Your quiz will be open book, open notes. Please staple your QUIZ, handouts and notes together and submit them as you leave in the bin by the door.
SATIRE sat·ire /ˈsaˌtī(ə)r/ Noun The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of... A play, novel, film, or other work that uses satire.
This week we will may begin A Modest Proposal Quickwrite Read Story Activity