Do now Continue with your quill lessons from Monday. If you were absent Monday, go to and sign up. Use the following codes to join your class period. 1st period: pesky-end 2nd period: deep-doctor 3rd period: fresh-pear 6th period: busy-house 7th period: firm-reason 8th period: wiry-bat Work on the assigned activity pack, “Commonly Confused Words”. Scores will pulled next Monday, February 20th and a new activity pack will be assigned. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO TAKE THE ASSESSMENT FROM LAST THURSDAY/FRIDAY!!!!!!
“Shooting an elephant” Today you will work on and complete your packet that was assigned two WEEKS ago. Because some students turned it in last week, there is really no excuse to not have this completed by today. When you are done, place it in the inboxes and continue with your Quill lessons. If you have completed Quill, congrats! You are ahead of the game.