Management of Natura 2000 Sites CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 6th meeting – 16/10/09 Agenda item 4.A-1 Management of Natura 2000 Sites
Ongoing Initiatives Preparatory Actions 2007 Collect information on SAC designation process Collect information on integrated management approaches Development of a new communication tool on Natura 2000 management: The Natura 2000 communication platform Development of the Natura 2000 Partner Award Scheme First results of these actions are now available and will be presented and discussed at the first meeting of the Expert Group on Natura 2000 management (Brussels, 25th November 2009)
Ongoing Initiatives (continued) Preparatory Actions 2008 Dealing with conflicts in the implementation and management of the Natura 2000 network - best practices at the local / site level To promote best practices for implementation and management; balance between multiple uses and multiple interests; - Assess the current situation; - Identify and review good examples - Contribute to transposition of lessons learned - European and regional workshops in 2009 & 2010 - Final report: June 2010
Ongoing Initiatives (continued) Dealing with conflicts in the implementation and management of the Natura 2000 network – strategic planning Tasks: Problem definition, review of existing approaches, best practice and recommended methodologies and tools for strategic assessments - Workshop held in Antwerp on 26th May 2009 - International workshop to be held on 19th November 2009 - Final report: June 2010
Ongoing Initiatives (continued) Development of sector specific guidance documents Estuaries, coastal zones and ports Non energy extractive industries Wind farms Rivers and inland waterways First results of these activities are now becoming available under the form of draft guidelines which are being further developed and finalized. A major result of the initiatives is also the growing interest, understanding and involvement of the respective stakeholder groups in Natura 2000
New Initiatives Natura 2000 and the Water Framework Directive: Group bringing together MS and stakeholder experts from the water and nature protection areas Experts from Member States to be nominated by the Water Directors and the Biodiversity Co-ordination Group / Nature Directors Workshop in 2010 based on DG ENV FAQ paper Experience of Member States linking first river basin management plans and nature protection objectives Potential development of recommendations/guidance for 2nd RBMP (to be decided later on the basis of the workshop outcome)
New Initiatives (continued) Development of sector specific guidance on Natura 2000 and agriculture Working group on Natura 2000 and Agriculture planned for 2010 Close cooperation between DG ENV and DG AGRI Involvement of stakeholder organisations and NGOs Development of recommendations and guidance Forum for exchange of information on good practice Link with Natura 2000 Communication Platform
New Initiatives (continued) Expert Group on Natura 2000 management First meeting planned for 25th November 2009 Draft agenda: Discussion and adoption of the terms of reference of the Expert Group Presentation and discussion of information on SAC designation in the Member States (results from ‘Preparatory Actions’ contract) Presentation of the ‘Natura 2000 Communication platform’ Presentation and discussion of the ‘Natura 2000 Partner’ Award Scheme Discussion of a list of priority issues to be discussed in the Group
Expert Group on Natura 2000 management Some possible issues to be discussed in the Group: Designation of SACs Establishment of conservation objectives Management plans Management bodies Communication & information (communication tool) ‘Natura 2000 Partner’ Award Scheme …