How to Shade... What is a Value Scale? Practice 3 different varieties of pencil shading on your own.
Practice on Your Own Draw at least one of each of the 3D forms below in your sketchbook on your own. Experiment with a variety of shading techniques.
Label your drawings...
What objects interest you? Practice with objects available in class. AGENDA: Object to draw brought from home. Think...
Drawing Real World Objects *Pencil drawings completed in your sketchbook. *Label drawings with date and # *Try your best to show all parts of shading.
Setting Up a Still Life Tall Objects in BACKGROUND Objects on SIDE LEANING Spacing APART OVERLAP STACKING
Observation Drawing & Still Life Collage Complete 5-6 observation drawings with shaded value. Use objects from counter or brought from home. Cut out objects you will use in your still life. Use an off number. 3 or 5 objects. Arrange your Composition. Paper on 8th Supply Shelf. -Think Placement. -Make it INTERESTING!! Glue. Add Cast Shadows. Complete Rubric and Artist Statement. Tape-Back. DUE Tues. 8/21