Mathematics is a Specific area within the EYFS curriculum. Maths has changed since we were at school - it’s more practical, a wider variety of skills are taught for individual needs and it’s more fun!
There are 2 Areas of Learning Numbers Shape, Space & Measures
Shape, Space and Measure Early Learning Goals Number Shape, Space and Measure Children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single- digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing. Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use Mathematical language to describe them. Number names – To say numbers in order but not necessarily counting. Counting ten objects – Using 1 – 1 correspondence. Recognise numerals – Seeing a 4 or 5 and knowing that’s how old they are or seeing house numbers. Problem solving – looking at groups of objects and identify which has more, Sharing out fruit at snack time if we don’t have enough seeing how many more we need.
What does Maths include? Numbers Symbols Shape Measure: capacity, length etc Charts, graphs and data Time
Teaching Maths Daily basis. Small group focus activities. Practical activities. Use of Numicon to support learning. Variety of strategies introduced to solve mathematical problems.
What can your child use to help them? Counters (or objects) Number lines Fingers Making marks Talking All of the above are acceptable when solving mathematical problems.
Everyday experiences are essential for using and applying Maths. Time Talk about what time we wake up, have dinner, go to bed. How long will an activity take? How many more minutes until lunch time etc. Money We often use cards to pay in shops, however, when buying small items try to use money and encourage your child to count out the money, look at the price etc. Young children are naturally very interested in money, explore this by using money to recognise numerals (on the money), use money as counters, play shops with your child. Problem solving Children are natural problem solvers, however they do need some support to encourage logical thinking and being systematic. How many bricks have you used to build that model? How many more forks do we need? How many steps to the car?
At home Encourage your child to play with puzzles, this builds logic and reasoning skills. Make maths fun! Children at this stage do not need to record their Maths unless they want to. If they are writing numerals have a number line handy so they can check what the numeral looks like and its position within the number system. We appreciate times have changed and technology is playing a big part in children’s education. A variety of apps can be downloaded to support your children in their maths learning, so they are learning when they don’t realise that they are!
Your Contribution – Parents Page We welcome your contributions to your child's learning journey. If your child does anything at home in maths or indeed in other areas, we would love you to give this to us. This helps us to gain a holistic view of your child. Each learning journey has a ‘parents page’ where contributions can be added, e.g. comments following parents evening. Learning Journey Morning.