Draft Proposal to Government Informal Engagement Jan-Feb 2019 Rupert Clubb
What are Sub National Transport Bodies? The statutory basis for STBs is set out in Part 5A of the Local Transport Act 2008 as amended by the Cities and Local Government Devolution Act 2016, which says that “the Secretary of State may by regulations establish a sub-national transport body for any area in England outside Greater London” (s102E(1)) and it goes on to set the conditions and limits for such arrangements.
Where is TfSE now? First Shadow Partnership Board meeting in June 2017 16 LTAs, 5 LEPs, 2 NPAs, 44 boroughs and districts Recognised by DfT, including £1m grant to develop strategy Subscriptions from constituent authorities Staff of 8 Informal engagement process on Proposal Transport Strategy development underway
TfSE Geography
What is the size of the prize? Statutory recognition; Influence over SoS investment plans; Better coordination of transport arrangements; With Strategy in place, a statutory basis for campaigning for investment; Better links to international sea and airports; Support for growth plans.
What can TfSE do that can’t be done now? Develop a Regional Transport Strategy with statutory force Coordination of investment across boundaries Additional influence over SoS investment plans for aviation, maritime, road and rail
What has TfSE done already? Attracted £1m grant for strategy development Influenced the designation of the Major Road Network Influenced the spending priorities for RIS1 and 2
Development of Proposal to Government Statutory designation of an STB by Secretary of State, following a parliamentary process Requires consent of constituent authorities Aiming for submission of Proposal in Autumn 2019 Statutory status achieved 2020/21
Informal Engagement We need your views on: The proposed functions The governance arrangements
Next Steps Informal engagement with key stakeholders on draft Proposal Jan – Feb 2019 Views on functions and governance arrangements Consultation draft to be agreed March 2019 Formal consultation May – July 2019 Final Proposal agreed September 2019