Transformative Power of Fasting Becoming the people God calls us to be … St James, Taunton 3rd March 2019
Transformative Power of Fasting Becoming the people God calls us to be … HEALTH WARNING St James, Taunton 3rd March 2019
Jesus says “When you fast ...” Matt. 6: 16-18 not if but when
In the OT Samuel ‘fasted and there they confessed’ 1 Sam 7:6 David fasted to plead with God 2 Sam 12:16 Ezra fasted to ‘humble ourselves before God’ Ez: 8:21 Nehemiah fasted in repentance Neh 1: 4 Prayer Re-building
The Sabbath of Sabbaths Fast from evening to evening Lev 16 In the NT John the Baptist’s disciples fasted Mark 2:18 Jesus fasted forty days and nights Matt 4: 2 The church at Antioch fasted Acts 13:2 Day of Atonement The Sabbath of Sabbaths Fast from evening to evening Lev 16
+ = Purpose of fasting focus concentration Act of devotion to God dedication + mindfulness conscious knowledge Self awareness sense of being = Mutual embrace
+ = Purpose of fasting Act of devotion to God Self awareness At One Ment = abiding Mutual embrace reconciliation
I get better at knowing God as I get better at knowing myself
Without fast there can be no feast How to fast Self discipline – no training required Self denial – abstention from all forms of indulgence Change of routine – Special = Holy Focus on essentials – rather than luxuries Part of the discipline of prayer and study Vs Without fast there can be no feast
Lent is an ideal time to fast How to fast Self discipline – no training required Self denial – abstention from all forms of indulgence Change of routine – Special = Holy Focus on essential – rather than luxuries Part of the discipline of prayer and study Lent is an ideal time to fast Vs Without fast there can be no feast
Re-imagining the way you relate to God Experience of fasting Visions and dreams Reflection Puts things in perspective Re-imagining the way you relate to God
‘radiant because he had spoken with the Lord’ The face of Moses was... ‘radiant because he had spoken with the Lord’ Ex 24:29 ‘When you fast, do not look sombre as the hypocrites do’ ‘your Father sees what is done’ Matt 6:16 -18 Encounter with God ‘For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face’ 1 Cor 13:12
Transformative Power of Fasting Becoming the people God calls us to be …
Transformative Power of Fasting Becoming the people God calls us to be … requires change. “to live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often” Cardinal Newman
40 Days Purification Discipline Meditation Prayer Do something different for Lent 40 Days Purification Discipline Meditation Prayer Be someone different for Lent and ...