Overview of SHARC processor ADSP-2106X Compute Operations * 07/16/96 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. Overview of SHARC processor ADSP-2106X Compute Operations M. R. Smith, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada smithmr @ ucalgary.ca *
To be tackled today Reference sources Register file and operations ALU operations MAC operations (Multiply and accumulate) SHIFTER operations Common errors Example exercises 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Reference Sources ADSP-2106x SHARC User’s Manual 2nd edition, Analog Devices -- provided to everybody Subset of ADSP-211XX processor operations ENCM515 SHARC Reference card ENCM515 Course, Reference and Laboratory Notes Check web-pages for links to VisualDSP++, Compiler, Assembler, Linker and other tools Also see ECE-ADI-Project (link from Dr. Smith Home Page) SHARC Navigator Tutorial Tool See January 2004 web pages for link – shows basic assembly language operations using simple animation 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Picture Source SHARC Navigator Tutorial Tool T. Alukaidey@herts.ac.uk Talik Alukaidey Dept. of EEE Uninversity of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, U.K. 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Register File and COMPUTE Units Key issues 5 data paths FROM COMPUTE units 5 data paths TO COMPUTE units Highly parallel operations UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Register File – BIT STORAGE Key issues 40 bits wide Top 32 bits used for integer Top 32 bits used for float 40 bits for precision float 32 registers available 16 at a time A Register is always 40 bits can be processed as a float can be processed as an integer Must convert integer<-> float 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca SHADOW
Instruction format Instructions are 48 bits wide 23 bits – COMPUTE field – are available for computer operations – See appendix B-1 Single-function format 22 21-20 19-12 11-8 7-4 3-0 11-8 destination 7-4, 3-0 – source register 19-12 opcode associated with computation unit (bits 21-20) (ALU, MAC or SHIFTER) Bit 22 always a 0 for single function format 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Sample ALU Instructions SEE REF-CARD 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Register File Common mistake – handling R0 and F0 registers Contains “bit patterns”, not floating point or integer values Patterns might represent floats or integers Floating point characteristics of an instruction reside in the ALU behaviour and not in the registers themselves Example R0 = 0x40000000; ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION means Move “bit pattern” 0x40000000 into R0 F0 = 2.0; IS AN ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVE means Move “bit pattern” for 2.0 (0x40000000) into R0 -- disassembles as R0 = 0x40000000; 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
ALU instructions -- Common errors Key issues -- what IS NOT there rather than what IS there -- REMEMBER -- Superscaler RISC DSP CPU Rx = Ry + CONSTANT; --- NOT THERE Rtemp = CONSTANT; This twin instruction Rx = Ry + Rtemp; MUST be used COMMON TIME WASTER IN LABS WHEN NOT CHECKED. COMMON MARK LOSER ON EXAMS and QUIZZes NOTE: -- Rx = constant is not an ALU operation but an Immediate Move Universal Register instruction bringing in a value from PROGRAM memory as part of the op-code -- MOVEQ equivalent Ureg = <data32> This issue is important when trying to issue parallel operations in a given instruction 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
ALU instructions -- Common errors Key issues -- what IS DIFFERENT rather than what IS the SAME – REMEMBER -- processor designed for DSP Rx = Ry * Rz; --- Does not behave as on 68K On 68K MULTS D0, D1 is a 2’s complement multiply (signed) MULTU D0, D1 is an unsigned multiply On 21XXX Rx = Ry * Rz; is a signed signed fractional multiply (SSF) Rx = Ry * Rz (SSI); is a 2’s complement multiply (signed signed integer) The other forms of multiply commonly needed in integer DSP algorithms are available (UUI, UUF, SSFR, etc.) 2’s complement numbers require shifts after multiplication to keep them valid – SSF numbers don’t. 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Volatile registers on ADSP-21XXX Volatile registers – work as on 68K Must follow “C/C++” compiler conventions VisualDSP++ V3.0 with SP1 No need to save when in subroutine 4 register banks (because of special parallel operations) 1 volatile register in each bank R0, R4, R8, R12 And also R1 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Practice Examples Convert from “C” into assembly code – use volatile registers long int value = 6; long int number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = value + 1; number = number + 2; temp = value + number; float value = 6; float number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = value + 1; number = number + 2; temp = value + number; 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Practice Examples Convert from “C” into assembly code – use volatile registers long int value = 6; long int number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = value + 1; number = number + 2; temp = value + number; 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Practice Examples Convert from “C” into assembly code – use volatile registers float value = 6; float number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = value + 1; number = number + 2; temp = value + number; 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
MAC instructions -- mainly INTEGER Multiply and Accumulate SSI and SSF SEE REF-CARD 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Practice Examples Convert from “C” into assembly code – use volatile registers long int value = 6; long int number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = number * temp; float value = 6; float number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = number * temp; 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Avoiding common design errors Convert from “C” into assembly code – use volatile registers long int value = 6; long int number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = value + 1; number = number + 2; temp = value + number; float value = 6.0; float number = 7.0; long int temp = 8; value = value + (float) 1; number = number + (float) 2; temp = (int) (value + number); 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Avoiding common design errors Convert from “C” into assembly code – use volatile registers long int value = 6; long int number = 7; long int temp = 8; value = number * temp; float value = 6.0; float number = 7.0; long int temp = 8; value = number * (float) temp; 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Shifter Instructions -- mainly integer SEE REF-CARD FPACK is a cast and means (32bit -> 16bit) Fx UNPACK is a cast and means (16bit -> 32bit) Rx BUT WITH A LOT OF HIDDEN STUFF TOO! 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Examples long int value = 6; long int number; number = value >> 2; #define value_R0 R0 #define number_R4 R4 number_R4 = ASHIFT value_R0 BY –2; POSITIVE VALUE – LEFT SHIFT NEGATIVE VALUE – RIGHT SHIFT long int value = 6; float number; number = value >> 2; #define value_R0 R0 #define temp_R1 R1 #define number_F4 F4 temp_R1 = ASHIFT value_R0 BY –2; number_R4 = FLOAT temp_R1; Or number_F4 = FLOAT value_R0 BY –2; 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
21061 ALU instructions Under the RIGHT conditions can do multiple operations in a single instruction Certain Ops using certain registers -- see reference material 1 MAC, 1 ALU (SOMETIMES 2), AND 1 DM ACCESS, 1 PM ACCESS Certain combinations can also be CONDITIONAL We are going to write code in a format that will allow us to parallel instructions -- an expectation for the course Depends on what you do and who you do it to (special registers combos) only a certain number of bits available in opcode (40 bits) so that not all reasonable combinations possible 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Multi-function examples Fm = Fx + Fy, Fn = Fx – Fy; Note that uses 4 different registers and not 6 The source registers used around the + and – must be the same. Restriction as 4 registers MUST be described using 16 instruction bits Fm = Fa * Fb, Fn = Fc + Fd; Fa MUST be one of F0, F1, F2, F3 Fb MUST be one of F4, F5, F6, F7 Fc MUST be one of F8, F9, F10, F11 Fd MUST be one of F12, F13, F14, F15 Restriction as 6 registers MUST be described using only 16 instruction bits 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca
Tackled today Reference sources Register file and operations ALU operations MAC operations (Multiply and accumulate) SHIFTER operations Common errors Example exercises 4/12/2019 ENCM515 -- Review of SHARC Processor Copyright smithmr@ucalgary.ca