Uninhabited Aircraft Systems Graduate Opportunities


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Uninhabited Aircraft Systems Graduate Opportunities Jeremy Laliberté Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Winter 2019

Overview New program in Uninhabited Aircraft Systems Multidisciplinary Aerospace, Mechanical, Systems, Civil, Geology, Geography, Environmental Studies

Opportunities Funded Masters positions Additional training UAS design and mission analysis Sensor selection and integration Aircraft performance modelling and flight testing Additional training UAS short course (mandatory) and pilot training Industrial internships (mandatory) Recruiting for May and September

Skills Sought Strong hands on and analytical experience Desire to work as part of a multidisciplinary and multi-university team Aerospace systems, vehicle design, GIS, sensor fusion, data analytics, earth sciences, autonomous vehicle systems, geology Willingness to travel and participate in field work (BC, Ontario, Quebec, NWT, US)

How To Apply How To Apply (ASAP!) Contact: jeremy.laliberte@carleton.ca