Conference Objectives Rodney Ndamba
From Where we are; To where we Should be. 15 April 2019
Where from?: 1. FDI Inflows to Southern Africa Source: UNCTAD (2012) World Report 2012 FDI Inflows Range ($Billions) Countries Above $3.0 Billion South Africa $2.0 to $2.9 Billion Mozambique, Zambia $1.0 to $1.9 Billion DRC, Tanzania $0.5 to $0.9 Billion Namibia, Botswana $0.1 to $0.4 Billion Zimbabwe, Mauritius Below $0.1 Billion Swaziland, Malawi, Lesotho, Angola 15 April 2019
Where we are: 2. UNPRI Signatories: Source: UNPRI (2013): Signatories Signatory Category Global Signatories Institutions Africa Signatories Signatories by Country Assets Owners 273 5 Namibia (1) South Africa (4) Investment Managers 719 37 Nigeria (1); SA (31) Botswn (1), Mau (3) Ghana (1) Professional Services Providers 180 6 South Africa (6) UNPRI Total 1,172 48 Bot (1);Gh (1); Mau (3) Na (1), Ni (1); SA (41) 15 April 2019
Where we are: 3. UNEPFI – Statement of Commitment by Financial Institutions on Sustainable Development Signatories by Financial Institutions from African Countries: South Africa; Kenya; Nigeria; Togo; Zambia; 15 April 2019
What do we want today? To influence shareholders and investors to consider environmental, social and governance in investment decisions; Develop awareness on shareholders’ rights and responsibilities through shareholder activism; Influence commitment by shareholders and institutions in Zimbabwe towards UN Principles on Responsible investing; Initiate a process towards formulating a code on responsible investing in Zimbabwe; 15 April 2019
In Closing Companies in Zimbabwe need to ‘balance today’s profits with tomorrow's sustainability’……… ……Consider the history they are leaving for the next generation as ‘Transient Caretakers’ on planet Earth 15 April 2019
Behind the Institute……… Mrs. R Taylor Zimbabwe Mr. D Mboweni Zimbabwe Mr. S Mtisi Zimbabwe Mr. R Ndamba Zimbabwe Prof. T Murombo PhD South Africa Dr. B Chiripanhura PhD Namibia Mr. B Mawire Zimbabwe ………..Is our Trustees 15 April 2019
Thank you!!! 15 April 2019
15 April 2019