WISE & INSPIRE FloodsDirective


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Presentation transcript:

WISE & INSPIRE FloodsDirective Latest developments and next steps Manuela Pfeiffer Floods Directive Reporting Drafting Group, 26 February Brussels

FlD/ WISE / SEIS / INSPIRE Environmental Reporting INSPIRE & SEIS Air Soil Water WISE Agri- culture Climate change Others … EU water legislation and other EU reporting activities on water WFD UWWTD NiD BWD DWD MSD FlD SoE JQ-IW

INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community, Directive 2007/2/EC) Member States are required to make available data sets related to one or several of the Annexes in Directive 2007/2/EC and the corresponding spatial data services in conformity with the technical arrangements for the interoperability and, where practicable, harmonisation of spatial data sets and services = Implementing Rules (legally binding, deadlines in „roadmap“): Metadata („data about data“) discovery services („decoding“) view services (web-mapping, .wms) transformation services (e.g. into ETRS89) download services (web feature services, .wfs)

Streamlining Important Reporting exercises and INSPIRE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 … 2021 2nd RBMP/POM 3rd RMBP/POM WaterFrame workDirective Measures be made operational 1st RBMP/POM Streamlining 1st FRMP 2nd FRMP FloodsDirective CA and UoM PFRA FRM/FHM If different from WFD Annex II & III elevation, Landcover and Natural Risk Zones INSPIRE Availability of inspireconform restructered Annex-themes Annex I Hydrography: Watercourse-network, catchments Reporting-Dates: WFD FlD 22/03/2010 22/03/2012 22/03/2016 26/05/2010 22/03/2012 22/03/2014 22/03/2016

Call for expression of Interest for participation of Data specifications for Annex II and III Data themes: development of data specifications follows a three step approach: first step: establishment of of framework documents that facilitate a harmonised development of data specifications second step: drafting of the technical details referred to as „INSPIRE data specifications“ third step: preparing the legal text based on the outcome of second step (KOM)  completed

Call for expression of Interest for participation of Data specifications for Annex II and III Data themes: INSPIRE CT (Consolidation Team) forms theme-specific TWG‘s (Technical Working Groups) - still on-going TWG‘s will develop theme-specific data specifications version 1.0 in September 2010 version 2.0 in March 2011 (base for stakeholder consultations and extensive testing 03/2011 - 10/2011) version 3.0 in January 2012 development of data specification will start from environmental use cases – which in most cases will involve data from several themes. • Since INSPIRE will be built on existing spatial data sets, the existing data in the Member States will be an important factor in the scoping of the INSPIRE data specifications in addition to the environmental use cases.

D2.3 Definition of Annex Themes and scope - v3.0 Links and overlaps with other themes: The broad field of natural risks may link and overlap may other themes, mostly concerning physical environment as Land use (land use plans may reflect risk zones), Elevation, Hydrography, Land cover, Geology, Environmental protection facilities, Meteorological geographical features, Oceanographic geographical features.

Expectance: Important input from Floods directive to the INSPIRE process But also: INSPIRE could impact the reporting specifications of Floods directive (1st FRMP and following reporting exercises) How to get involved? INSPIRE Annex II + III themes user requirements survey Form available under: http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/documents/Data_Specifications/urs_version2prepare_answers.pdf closing date: 31st March 2010

PREVIEW Flood forecasting increase preparedness for flood events across Europe

Main Information for Requirements: 11 mandatory questions 1. Title of task: e. g. Flood forecasting 2. Purpose of the task: e. g. increase preparedness for flood events across Europe 3. Is the task required by existing legislation? choice: Y/N/Unknown + comment (e. g. Directive 2007/60/EC (EU Floods Directive) 4. Who is involved? List of all parties who have an active role in the task or are influenced by this task (name of e. g. data providers, data transformer, services providers, data coordinators etc., role(s) and descricption of role(s) optional) 5. Describe the process necessary for achieving the task e. g. step1: user to decide what type of features they need, step2: …, step3: … 6. Format of results of the task e. g. documentation, report, data base, data set, service, etc.

Main Information for Requirements: 11 mandatory questions 7. Select the INSPIRE Annex II+III data theme/s related to the task select one or more themes to which the input/output data are related (choices are: 34 INSPIRE Annex I-III themes; document for last meeting identified 23 out of 34 themes as relevant for FD!) 8. What is the geographical extent (coverage) of the task? Select one or more levels of geographical extent (coverage) which are relevant to the described task (choices are: Global, EU, International, Crossborder, National, Regional, Local) 9. Do you agree to be contacted to collect additional information related to this survey? Y/N 10. Contact person information conditional if answer for question 9. was „Y“ 11. Can you provide further relevant material related to the describe task? Answer and optional it‘s possible to use upload facility to attach further related material or include a link

Additional Information on Requirements: optional questions 12. What is the stage of the task implementation: choice: Task (process) already implemented, Task (process) implemention is planned 13. Do you use any international or national standards for the task? choice: Y/N and comment, e. g. OpenGIS Web Map Service, ISO 19115, geographic information, metadata 14. Can you provide detailed information about the input data source/s used for the task? Name of information (e. g. wind speed), data source (e. g. National hydrometeorological institutes); to identify relevant objects, attributes, relationships and other information related to data specification development process 15. Can you provide detailed information about the output data source/s used for the task (if relevant)? Name of information … (as for question 14.) 16. Can you identify any other detailed information about the missing and required data source(s) for the task (if relevant)? Name of information … (as for question 14.)

WG F Drafting Group – engagement 1. User requirements survey: One feedback as „WG F Drafting Group“ or individual feedbacks? Adjusted documents and endorsed RS should be submitted 2. Support for Thematic Working Group (TWG) activities: How will WG F Drafting Group support activities? feedbacks to draft documents? attending workshops?