‘Name That Tune’ Word Study eer, ere, ear
The Rules… The first clue will appear on the screen. Try and guess the spelling word based one that clue and write it on your board. If the majority of the class gets the word right, you earn the highest amount of points. If the majority of the students answer incorrectly, a second clue will appear. Again, if the majority of the class gets it right, you will receive the second highest amount of points possible. If the majority of the students need a third clue, a final one will be given. This clue will be a picture clue. You will then receive the lowest amount of points possible.
deer synonym for: hoofed animal eer spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points synonym for: hoofed animal Clue 2 (50 points): deer eer spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
fear synonym for: scared ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points):
beard synonym for: facial hair ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points synonym for: facial hair Clue 2 (50 points): beard ear spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
sneer synonym for: laugh at eer spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points):
clear antonym for: foggy ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points):
steer synonym for: male cow eer spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points):
cheer synonym for: clap for eer spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points):
disappear synonym for: be no more ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points synonym for: be no more Clue 2 (50 points): disappear ear spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
engineer synonym for: designer/builder eer spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points synonym for: designer/builder Clue 2 (50 points): engineer eer spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
here definition: in this place ere spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points definition: in this place Clue 2 (50 points): here ere spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
rear antonym of: front/beginning ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points antonym of: front/beginning Clue 2 (50 points): rear ear spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
peer definition: a person’s equal eer spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points definition: a person’s equal Clue 2 (50 points): peer eer spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
smear definition: smudge ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points):
unclear synonym for : not sure/confused ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points synonym for : not sure/confused Clue 2 (50 points): unclear ear spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
year definition: 12 calendar months ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points definition: 12 calendar months Clue 2 (50 points): year ear spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
career synonym for: occupation eer spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points synonym for: occupation Clue 2 (50 points): career eer spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
hear definition: listen/pay attention to ear spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points definition: listen/pay attention to Clue 2 (50 points): hear ear spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):
sphere definition: globular object ere spelling pattern Clue 1 (100 points): POINTS Clue 1- 100 points Clue 2- 50 points Clue 3- 25 points definition: globular object Clue 2 (50 points): sphere ere spelling pattern Clue 3 (25 points):