Completing the GO CAPS Application When applying for the 19/20 school year
Where do you find the application?
Phone Numbers and E-mails If you are selected for GO CAPS, they will be contacting you this spring and over the summer. It is very important that you give them phone numbers and e-mails that you or your parents use and check on a regular basis.
Deciding whether to request a morning or afternoon preference Talk to your counselor to find out when the classes you need to graduate would probably be offered. Talk to your coach to see if they have a preference. Talk to your sponsor to find out if there will be required meetings or practices. Talk to your employer if you must be at work right after school.
When answering any short answer question. Use complete sentences. Provide a well thought out answer. The person scoring the application is not from Ozark High School, so explain thoroughly and don’t use abbreviations.
Questions on the application What activities, volunteerism, experiences or previous learning stimulated your interest in the GO CAPS Program? Please be specific and include information on any courses you have taken that would be of assistance while in GO CAP. Your answer could include school, church, scouting, or other volunteer activities as well as courses you have taken that sparked an interest in the strand you are applying for. In this question they want to know why you are interested in this type of program and the specific strand.
Questions on the application Clearly state 2 ideas you have for your future career. This will help GO CAPS decide if you have chosen the strand that is right for you. If you don’t know for certain but you are in between a couple of ideas then explain that. Don’t just write down 2, one word answers. Explain what you would like to do in your future. YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS MATTERS!
Questions on the application Please include a personal statement on what you hope to gain from the GO CAPS program. I recommend that you think about what GOCAPS can offer and include an example that applies to you in your response. For example, a few things that GOCAPS offers include a chance to explore careers within an industry, meet people who work in the area you are interested in, network with adults and students who have a similar career interest, learn professionalism skills that employers want in their employees and apply what you have learned in high school so far by working on projects with businesses.
Questions on the application Describe the characteristics you possess that will help you contribute fully to the program. Think about the characteristics that you would need in order to learn new things, work with other people on teams, meet new people and complete projects. These would be the types of things that you should use in this response.
There will be questions such as the one above that are designed to help you know more about the types of characteristics that are needed in a GO CAPS student. Think about yourself and answer the questions honestly.
I am applying for the GO CAPS program I am applying for the GO CAPS program. I have discussed the program with my parents/guardians and they have indicated their permission for me to be considered for this program. I understand that I will comply with the business ethics (e.g. student handbook, attendance, dress codes) of GO CAPS. Do talk to your parents and a school counselor before applying to GOCAPS.
Early Graduation from HS I understand that my business partners and high school team members depend on my commitment to the GO CAPS program; therefore, I commit to the program for a YEAR. If you plan to graduate at semester, you do not qualify for GO CAPS. * Don’t apply to GOCAPS if you are planning to graduate at semester.
Deadline for Application Feb 1 is the deadline. It is time☺ Submit soon.