KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: AEROSPACE Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Aerospace Develop an aerospace industry strategy Supply side: determine South African aerospace capability Demand side: establish appetite for partnerships / co-operation; determine long term air fleet plans for South African aviation sector 12 months Quarterly progress reports Leverage a long term fleet procurement plan and technology base to optimise the development of the national aerospace industry in South Africa. Aerospace strategy
KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: AFRICA Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Africa Identification of key infrastructure projects in Africa Investigate power and corridor projects in the region. Based on research and identification of projects, proceed to pre-feasibility stage. Assistance to Guinea Bissau 5 months 7 months 6 months Monthly reports to DG Report suggesting areas for further investigation / pre-feasibility studies. Stakeholder identification / engagement and opportunities developed in line with strategy. Report detailing electricity requirements and recommendations Regional Supplier Development Programme Enabling the integration of regional suppliers to regional and global value chains Programme initiation: Commitment from MNC, SOE and participating countries. Finalise detailed programme with UNIDO. Conduct study visits to targeted countries with an emphasis on SADC. Obtain formal country participation to the programme Secure donor funding. Implement the Regional Supplier Benchmarking Programme 36 months 31st May Quarterly project reviews Establish manufacturing capability in the SADC region to support Eskom and Transnet’s Build Programme. Increased co-operation and/or collaboration with South African or Global manufactures. Supplier Database Joint Skills Development Programme Regular joint participation in skills development (procurement) initiatives and programmes between South African based SOE and regional SOE 12 months Quarterly reports Establish contact in other African countries, to begin training in 2009/2010
KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: CSDP Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Competitive Supplier Development Programme Research Eskom and Transnet key commodities and South African capability in this regard Carry out research on first set of commodities to inform 2008/2009 Supplier Development Plans 6 months (remaining) Quarterly reports Re-establish local manufacturing and supplier industries to support SOE Infrastructure Build and Maintenance Plan UNIDO benchmarking and participating in global supplier exchange programme Formal commitment to participate from SOE Implement Supplier Benchmarking Programme Start implementation 1st quarter 2008 – May 2008 Monthly reports Re-establish local manufacturing and supplier industries to support SOE Infrastructure Build and Maintenance Plan through benchmarking, gap analysis and support to upgrade equipment and skills. Supplier Database World class procurement training Procurement Officers training for SOE Ongoing Highly skilled professional Procurement Officers in SOE
KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: HR AND CAPACITY BUILDING Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Human Resources & Capacity Building Ensure sufficient skills in place at Eskom, PBMR, Transnet and their suppliers for medium–long term Build Programme and associated maintenance Utilise SOE and their suppliers to provide experiential training to trainee artisans Establish ESDA within 1st quarter 2008 Monthly reports Establishment by June Establish co-ordinating body for SOE artisan placements (ESDA) ICT skills Assess skills requirement to install and manage Full Services Network of 10 gig (and larger), as well as undersea cable Review current skills in the market and plans for future graduates Make proposal to address skills issue in FSN and undersea cable 3 months Strategy to ensure sufficient ICT skills to install and manage Full Services Network and undersea cable. Advanced Learning Programme Select Higher Learning Institution Finalise copyright agreement for “Reader” 6 months 2 months Advanced Learning Programme available to senior managers in SOE sector Commission “Reader” for ALP
KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Environmental Issues Entrench Strategically Important Developments (SID) into legal process for dealing with EIA Cabinet approval for classification of SID and a process for SID EIA. 12 months Monthly reports Eskom and Transnet Build Programme not hampered by EIA process
Critical Path Activities KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: NUCLEAR COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY Sub-Programme Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Nuclear Communications Strategy Gain an understanding of public perception on nuclear issues and develop communication strategy Conduct extensive “perception” surveys Prepare communication strategy 9 months Monthly reports
KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: PROPERTY Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Property Non-core property disposals Conclude government property transactions Obtain outstanding non-core property lists Prompt broader sales 12 months Monthly reports Property disposals. Facilitate the development of key integrated projects Secure commitment from SOE Finalise transaction Disposal and development of key projects Assist with strategic SOE property purchases Facilitate land acquisition for Transnet and Eskom Build Programmes As required Property purchases for SID Develop strategy for SOE development interventions Link SID with urban development / local economic development opportunities Local economic and urban development impacts associated with SOE SAAT Property Optimisation Strategy In line with SAAT strategy, develop Land Use Strategy for SAAT property at ORTIA SAAT Land Use Optimisation
KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: SA POWER PROJECT Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output South African Power Project Leverage Eskom Build Programme to enhance manufacturing, technology and skills base Begin implementation of Power Project: Solar manufacturing Optimise OEM relationships Develop detailed industrial strategy Liaise with Manufacturing Unit to begin handover upon implementation. Implement similar strategy in Transnet 12 months April 2008 Strategy to support South African firms to develop their technology, manufacturing and skills base Handover of National Interest Account / ECIC project from Manufacturing to JPF Cabinet Memo to support exports in the power and defense sectors 6 months August 2008 ECIC to be implementing agency for export strategy
KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Technology and Innovation Leverage Eskom Build Programme to enhance manufacturing, technology and skills base Begin implementation of Power Project: Solar manufacturing Optimise OEM relationships Develop detailed industrial strategy Liaise with Manufacturing Unit to begin handover upon implementation. Implement similar strategy in Transnet 12 months April 2008 Strategy to support South African firms to develop their technology, manufacturing and skills base Handover of National Interest Account / ECIC project from Manufacturing to JPF Cabinet Memo to support exports in the power and defense sectors 6 months August 2008 ECIC to be implementing agency for export strategy
KEY ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR SUB-PROGRAMME: AUTUMN SCHOOL Activity / Project Critical Path Activities Time Required Due Date Output Autumn School Provide the Public Enterprises Portfolio Committee a learning experience on key issues pertinent to DPE Finalise logistics Finalise matters for discussion / syllabus Invite speakers May 2008 April 2008 Successful hosting of 2008 Autumn School