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Poster & Project Presentations The Robert Gordon University

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Introduction This is a template for author(s) to use for preparing their posters for ISSA-I. The posters will be printed to the conference CD directly.
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Do not place any text here – this slide is optional as a screen holder slide – delete this text box when designing your presentation.
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Title of the paper First Authora, Second Authorb, Third Authora,b
Title of the paper First Authora, Second Authorb, Third Authora,b
Title of the poster presentation here
Title of the Paper in Bold Letters
The Poster Title Goes Here Using a Large Font Size (e. g
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The Title of the Paper in Bold Letters
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The Title of the Paper in Bold Letters
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Mail address1, Mail address2, Mail address3
Table 1. Label in 24pt Times New Roman.
The Title of the Paper in Bold Letters
Title of the Paper in Bold Letters
Title of the Paper First name & Surname of all authors1
Title of the poster presentation here
Title of the poster presentation here
Other Institution Logos
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Title of the poster presentation here
Title E-Poster Guidelines Authors Institution Poster No.
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Insert the Title of your paper here The font size will adjust according to the length of the title, Times new Roman. Please keep the size of the blue.
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Presentation title in White, Arial Bold 30pt on one or two
Title of Your Paper Author(s) Presented by: Your name
Additional logo, if necessary (e.g. from your funding institution)
Title of the poster presentation here
Author(s) Name(s) SURNAME(s)
Author(s) Name(s) SURNAME(s)
Presentation Number Title of the paper
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Title of the poster presentation here
Author(s) Name(s) SURNAME(s)
Company logo (THIS SLIDE ONLY)
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Title E-Poster Guidelines Authors Institution Institutional logo
Paper Title should be 96pt font John Q. Author Author Affiliations
Presentation transcript:

PAPER TITLE LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION Author11, Author22, Author33 Affilation11, Affilation22, Affilation33 Presenting author’s e-mail adress Presentation date (e.g. June 4, 2018 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION OUTLINE Motivation Experimental study Methods and Materials Results Concluding remarks Acknowledgements References Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION MOTIVATION This document intends to identify criteria of oral presentations for ISATECH-2018. Please follow the guideline explained at next slides while prepearing your oral presentation. Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION MOTIVATION Each presentation should include symposium logo, logo of your affilation, paper title, author details (name, surname, affilation), e- mail address of the presenting author and presentation date as examplified at first slide. Please pay attention to number each slide excluding heading slides according to style used in this template (see bottom right-hand corner of this slide). Each slide excluding heading slides, should include surname of presenting author at the bottom left-hand corner of the slide and presentation date at the bottom of slide centered. Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION MOTIVATION Each presentation is limited to 10 minutes. Question-answer will be arranged after presentation for 5 minutes duration. Presentations exceeding 10 minutes will be ended by session chair at the end of 10 minutes. Thus, please rehearse for your presentation not to exceed time limitation. Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION MOTIVATION Text on your slides should be readable and font size should be 28 pt at least. Presenters are encouraged to use tables, illustrations and colorfull text for drawing attention of audience. Please place title of tables and illustrations to slide appropriately with reference. You can see an example at next slides. Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION EXPERIMENTAL STUDY You can explain your experimental methodology, test setup, apparatus etc. İn this section of your presentation. Fig. 1. Sample scheme of experimental setup (Karakoc, 2012) Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION METHODS AND MATERIALS In this section of your presentation, numerical methods, mathematical models, theoritical cases can be discussed. Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION RESULTS Presenters are highly encouraged to discuss results of their study in this section by using plots, tables etc. Table 1. Sample results of study Parameter Value 1 Value 2 X 4 Y 1 5 Z 2 6 W 3 7 Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION CONCLUSION REMARKS This section of the presentation should include main findings of your study, future prospects etc. Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS If presenter wishes to thank any supporting agency, instutition or contributer, this section should be used. If you conducted the study in the framework of any project, please indicate the title of Project in this section with contract number and supporting agency. Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018

LOGO OF YOUR AFFILATION REFERENCES For reference style, please see symposium fullpaper template. Scarponi, Sarasini 09.07.2018