Achieving Change through Staff Engagement
The reality is… SUSTAINABILITY is only achieved by changing the fundamental nature of our organisations Our campuses might become GREENER without changing their nature but our organisations WILL NOT become sustainable. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??
What is engagement??
The act of engaging or the state of being engaged. Betrothal. Something that serves to engage; a pledge. A promise or agreement to be at a particular place at a particular time. Employment, especially for a specified time. A specific, often limited, period of employment. A hostile encounter; a battle. The condition of being in gear Engagement provides an opportunity for people to provide input into the change you are trying to make. It is a two way learning experience, which brings a sense of ownership to those who are most important in reaching goals and objectives.
Staff engagement BUT WHY? People are our greatest resource Interact with students and the wider community Engaged staff Positive message! Well that’s the theory…
Staff engagement initiatives Consider a staff engagement initiative: Challenges/opportunities Responses/results What does success look like?
Two approaches Attitude = behaviour EFS approach; change mindsets Behaviour = attitude CBSM approach; focus on actions
Main considerations Know your community Identify barriers – or challenges Look for commitment Make it enjoyable and accessible Incentivise What media? Framing the message
Activity In your groups, develop ideas for staff engagement Consider the challenges and opportunities identified earlier.
Feedback Did having an approach in mind assist? Preferences/ideas re approaches? Other comments/observations?
Wrap up Staff are key to success – treat them with respect they deserve! Entice commitment Make it fun – start simple Understand your challenges and work with your opportunities