MARCH WITH US For more information contact: Email address March 24 JOIN USY ON MARCH FOR OUR LIVES March 24 Time Location The senseless shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida has impacted our USY community profoundly. Many current USYers and alumni are survivors of this horrific event, and we want to support them in this time of need as they grieve for the loss of fellow classmates, neighbors, and friends. However, our response to this tragedy must be more than just an outpouring of grief. USYers, along with thousands of teenagers across North America, are speaking out and standing up against gun violence in America. We are joining the movement to demand better gun control legislation and want you to join us. HOW TO MARCH On March 24 at TIME, we will be meeting at LOCATION. From there we will march together to voice the opinions. We know you are passionate about the need for change, and as a group USY will make sure we will be heard. We encourage you to wear your USY gear, and bring signs that are easily printable from the USY website. Of course, you’re welcome to make your own signs and banners as well! This is a time to take a stand – tell your friends and family of your plans to join the march on social media using the hashtags #USYMarches #IMarchWithUSY Thank you for joining us – together, we can make a change. For more information contact: Email address