Agenda (for me) Vocab Kahoot Practice Unit 8


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda (for me) Vocab Kahoot Practice Unit 8 Poetry Group Quiz – “Dulce” ATSS – Discuss Chaps. 1-3 Introduce Research Paper HW: Read

Reminders – 10-18-18 Vocab Quiz Unit 8 tomorrow! Keep up with your reading schedule Intro to Research Paper today! HW: Start reading short story options for research paper. ATSS Chaps. 4-9 – due Monday – Quiz over Chaps. 1-9 and background will be Monday!

Vocab Kahoot Practice Unit 8

Group Assessment: Dulce Analysis

Compass Needle Mullah Faizullah Endure Choose one and explain its significance to the first 3 chapters.

Power Quotes Select significant quotes/explain

Intro to Research Paper

Thematic Concepts and Themes Man’s inhumanity to man Systematic victimization of women by patriarchal institutions Resistance to victimization Power of education Education for women Corrupting influence of absolute power Inner strength of women Enduring the unendurable Finding hope in midst of despair Discovering strength in an unlikely companion Human capacity for evil Loyalty and devotion

Archetypes: Good vs. Evil The cast-out child Female suppression Star-crossed lovers Controlling husband Tragic Hero