Name of Degree Type of Degree: Proposing Unit (College or Department): Instructional Format (R.I., Online): Estimated Length in Semesters: Estimated Credits Required:
Brief Description of Degree One Paragraph
Evidence of Need/Demand (State and National) One Paragraph
Fit with Mission of Proposing Unit/College and CSU One Paragraph
Estimated Enrollment, Residency Status, Graduation # Student enrollment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 New resident New non-resident/international Continuing resident Continuing non-resident/international Total enrolled #Graduating after completing year
Capacity of Proposing Unit(s) to Deliver the Degree One Paragraph
Estimated Curricular Impact on Other Units One Paragraph
Estimated Additional Resources Needed One Paragraph
Proposed Funding Mechanism One Paragraph