MedCom – The Danish Health Data Network Messages/Month GP´s with EDI : 2120 = 100 % Specialists EDI: 765 = 94 % Hospitals EDI : 63 = 100% Pharmacies with EDI: 322 = 100 % Doctors on Call : 5 = 100 % Health Insurance : 5 = 100 % 102 messages /min Prescriptions Prescriptions 1389023 = 84% 1039105 = 73% Disch Disch . Letters . Letters 682923 = 85 % 1131750 = 94 % Lab. Lab. reports reports 543040 = 82 % 988151 = 99 % Lab Requests 349840 = 85 % Referrals 177525 = 65 % Reimbursement 21049 = 99 %