A Caring People “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 Title Slide: A Caring People!
Christians Are Caring Because: We want to be like God Psalms 23 We want to be like Christ Romans 5:8 We want to be like 1st century Christians Acts 4:36-37; Romans 16:1-2 It shows a mark of maturity 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Christians Are Caring Because: (1) We want to be like God—Psa.23. We love not because people deserve it or have earn it but because they are made in the “image of God,” (Gen.1:26). (2) We want to be like Christ—Rom.5:6-8. Jesus cared for the unrighteous, ungodly and those who refused to believe in Him. Willingly with no strings attached. (3) We want to be like the 1st century Christians—Acts 4:36,37; Romans 16:1,2. They were persecuted, but everywhere preaching the truth (Acts 8:4) When needs arose they helped each other. Why? A deep commitment to each other. (4) It shows a mark of maturity—1 Cor.13:4-7. Christians need to remember the love we are to have one for another—Jno.13:34,35; 1 Jno.4:19-21.
Caring Christians Are helpful Help others feel needed and useful Acts 4:32-37 Help others feel needed and useful 1 Corinthians12:23-26 Are benevolent Matthew 25:31-46 Caring Christians: (1) Are helpful—Acts 4:32-37. Too many times we try to tear down instead of building up. Christians are to be people who genuinely care for others. We look for opportunity to help others (Gal.6:9,10) (2) Help others feel needed and useful—1 Cor.12:23-26. Every Christians in the local church has value—all are needed to make the church be effective in the work God has given it. (3) Are benevolent—Matt.25:31-46. In this text we get a glimpse into the judgment scene. Our Lord could have use many examples of what one will be judge by—but he used SERVICE to OTHERS. He also try to teach the disciples this before His death (Jno.13:1-15).
Caring Christians Are friendly Are concerned about everyone’s soul Romans 16:16; Proverbs 18:24 Are concerned about everyone’s soul Acts 17:16,17; Acts 27:22-31 Caring Christians: (1) Are friendly—Romans 16:16; Prov.18:24. God’s people must truly be friendly! How difficult it this to do? Sadly, for some very difficult. We are not talking about putting on a show but a genuine feeling of being friendly towards others. Why do some congregations have a name for being friendly while others are said to be “cold?” (2) Are concerned about everyone’s soul—Acts 17:16,17; 27:22-31. Here is Paul in a city wholly given over to idolatry—what does he do? Preaches the one true and living God! Paul is on a ship headed toward Rome—a storm comes up, all hope is lost—Paul gives comfort to the crew they will survive. When some try to run away—Paul warns them to stay—why? He care for all men—2 Cor.11:23-30.
Those whom we love and admire the most are caring people A Caring People Those whom we love and admire the most are caring people Caring is Shown By Way Of: Summary—Invitation… Visiting, Evangelizing, Edifying, and Benevolence