Self Awareness: WHO AM I? Chapter 1 Self Awareness: WHO AM I? Personal Values
Identify personal values Why are values important? Discover Identify personal values Why are values important?
What Are Values? Your values are what you believe is important. They are the beliefs and ideas you live by.
What Are Values? Like your interests, your values are an important part of who you are.
What Are Values? Activity: What do you value?
What Are Values? People often develop values early in their lives. Values guide you to make important decisions & wise choices.
What Are Values? Let’s explore two categories of values. Work Values Economic Values
What Are Values? Your work values are the things about work that are important to you. Understanding your work values will help you select a career that suits you.
What Are Values? You also have economic values, or economic goals. Economic values are how important money is to your happiness.
What Are Values? You learn values from important people in your life. The values of your culture or community may also influence your personal values.
Critical Thinking Review Where do values come from? Critical Thinking Q continued
Critical Thinking Review You learn values from important people, culture, and community/environment. (examples: family members, teachers, and religious leaders. Critical Thinking A
Self Awareness Your Interests End of Chapter 1 Self Awareness Lesson 1.1 Your Interests