NRRA Mix Rejuvenator Field Test Sections 12/27/2018 Flex Team Mix Rejuvenator TAP
General Description Construct field sections to show performance of high RAP (>40%) mixes with rejuvenator Material compatibility issues need to be considered to make results impactful i.e., Need to learn more than product A works well with binder A and RAP source A Sections will be built in MN near existing NRRA research so performance monitoring can be easily appended to existing data collection routines Sections will be 0.1 mile in length and contiguous
General Description cont. Research contract will be written to: Mix design / lab performance testing Construction report (plant issues/ field comments) Field sample testing (MnDOT can collect samples) AGING??? (needs to be addressed in our lab testing but do not want this experiment to turn into aging experiment) Recommendations Contract length likely 1.5 years Field performance will be monitored long-term (5+ years likely needed to show performance differences)
Immediate Action Items Need to determine rejuvenator products to be used Ideally, multiple types of rejuvenator will be featured (i.e., bio-based, aromatic, etc.) This will impact number of sections constructed and variables that can be changed What products has your state used? Need to determine variables being tested. From last call, proposed using 2 binder types (polymer-modified and unmodified) Alternatively, binder type could be consistent and RAP source could be varied
Immediate Action Items cont. Exp. Matrix Need to determine variables being tested. From last call, proposed using 2 binder types (polymer-modified and unmodified)
Immediate Action Items cont. Exp. Matrix Alternatively, binder type could be consistent and RAP source could be varied
Immediate Action Items cont. Exp. Matrix These are just ideas to keep us moving. Please provide your feedback Can vary both RAP and binder for each rejuvenator but that is 4 sections per product. Not an issue for performance monitoring but may be for mix-design/ lab testing. Dan Oesch (MoDOT) mentioned use of 40-40 mix from Missouri or others??? Other recommendations??