2007 ISSSS Conference Bethesda, MD Joe Jurczyk University of Akron


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Presentation transcript:

A Web-Based Tool for Administering Data Collection for Q Methodology Studies 2007 ISSSS Conference Bethesda, MD Joe Jurczyk University of Akron Doctoral Student q-sOrt.COM

Introduction Method of administering Q Methodology Studies: Traditional method: Printed cards Face-to-face administration of sort Analysis (PQMethod, PCQ) Some Web-Based Tools for sorting WebQ SolitaireQ FlashQ Author’s original Q-Sort.com program demo-ed at 2003 Q Conference at Kent State –Stark (Canton) (developed in Director) …but…

Problem Statement While there are several project-specific web- based tools for q-sorting, there is no general- purpose application to accommodate the administration of multiple studies.

Purpose Statement Goal of research is to develop an integrated general web-based solution that incorporates three components: Administration Module (Researcher) Sorting Module (Respondent) Analysis Module (Researcher)

Dissertation Development of a general web-based tool for managing Q Methodology studies Will include: Review of existing tools Programming /design / development of tool to address shortcomings/opportunities Testing of tool by with real studies to provide feedback, suggested revisions Documentation of process

Q-SORT.COM - Modules (Respondent) Sorting (Researcher) Analysis Administration

Administration Module Functions: Setup web-based Q studies: - create q sample - rating scale (e.g. -5 to +5) and grid - conditions of instruction (e.g. Most Unlike to Most Like) - rules (e.g. pre-sort items into 3 piles: +, -, 0) Store sorts (manual and web-based) Invite participants by e-mail View study progress Create printout with q sample, instructions, rules Import/Export data from Excel, PQMethod, text

Administration Module Features Database-driven (MySQL) Web-based access to data (not PC-specific) Re-use of q sample (e.g. multiple conditions of instruction) Generate e-mail invitations to participate Can accept data collected manually and online Benefits Accessible anytime, anywhere by researcher and respondent Provides setup/administration to multiple studies Lower setup costs (time)

Administration Tool Screens

Administration Tool Screens

Administration Tool Screens

Administration Tool Screens

Administration Tool Screens

Administration Module

Sorting Module Functions: Features Benefits Provides graphic (Flash-based) web interface for sorting items Results stored in database, researcher notified Features Web-based interface Can incorporate text and multimedia (graphics, audio, animation, etc.) items Incorporate chat on online discussion between researcher and respondent Benefits No geographic limits – accessible anytime, anywhere Results automatically stored online

Sorting Module Process Program presents rules and conditions of instruction Program presents items to sort into 3 preliminary piles User pre-sorts items, sorts items into grid(s) User submits responses Program verifies responses, checks rules for validity Program asks questions (demographics, open-ended questions) Program stores results in database (tbl_results): User id Data from sort Answers from questions

Analysis Module Functions: Features Benefits Perform analysis of collected Q-Sorts Export data to common formats Future: web-based integrated version of PQMethod (Java-based) or similar analysis tool Features PQMethod-compatible Database-driven Benefits No data entry required (web-based) Automatically generate .sta, .dat, .lis, .raw files Future: web-based allows access anytime, anywhere

Platforms Administration and Sorting Modules: Analysis Module Flash interface with XML PHP MySQL backend Analysis Module Currently: DOS/Windows-based (PQMethod or PCQ) that can import Q-Sort.com data Future: Integrate Java-based module with Flash interface

Timeline 2007 2008 December: Administrative Module Devel0ped January: Sorting Module Developed February: Alpha Testing – Admin and Sorting March: Beta Testing May: Documentation June: Release

Summary Goal: To provide a general web-based tool that will be flexible in order to : Support multiple studies (multiple concourses, data types, conditions of instruction, rules) Provide a universal interface for administrators and subjects Compatible with other analysis programs

Contact Information Joe Jurczyk jurczyk@yahoo.com www.q-sort.com