Information To support CEAF Oil Cooler Draincock Closure on L series product 8/30/2016
Project Scope Change Summary: Processing change at RMEP to close draincock P/N S923E on all L series engines Background: Customers have requested that the coolant draincock located in the bottom of the oil cooler be shipped in the closed position Implementation Strategy and Date: Manufacturing Change Request at RMEP expected implementation 9/30/2016
Applicable BB Options BB 9080 BB 9081 BB 9110 BB 9248 BB 9270 BB 9293 BP 9896 BP97048 3965887 3966403 3968612 3968614 3973884 3991308 3991309 4929248 4929249 BB 9916 BB 9917 BB 9924
Closed Position (Proposed) Change Summary Closed Position (Proposed) Open Position (Current)
Overlay of New position & Old position Open (Current Position) - Yellow Closed (New Position) - Blue