By: Maureen Gregory Emily Waldt YSI data By: Maureen Gregory Emily Waldt
Parameters We compared these parameters; pH Nitrate conc. Turbidity Chlorophyll Dissolved Oxygen Between five lakes; Arbutus, Catlin, Green, Oneida, Onondaga, and Wolf.
Why are these parameters of interest? These parameters allow assumptions to be made of the type of organisms present. Fish communities, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates, phytoplankton and zooplankton all require specific conditions to survive.
Data was collected during the Fall 2006, on a weekly basis over a 2 month period. A multi-probe was used to collect the data.
Chlorophyll- Oneida Lake vs. Green Lake
Chlorophyll Oneida Lake shows a significant jump in chlorophyll at the bottom of the lake. Green Lake has a large spike in chlorophyll at 20 meters, then decreases again as you approach 50 meters.
Arbutus vs. Onondaga Lake Chlorophyll
Nitrate Concentrations
Nitrate Conc. Cont’d.
pH levels
pH levels
Dissolved Oxygen %
Dissolved Oxygen %
Conclusion These measurements are sufficient for our purposes, however, sources of error include; Variable weather conditions, Data collected on different days Data collected by different people Personal error when sampling