IT BEGINS… Time to Detox! Step 1 If you are choosing to give up your device(s) please put your name on a Post It and put them in the box Also turn them off! They will be stored in the school safe under the watchful eye of Mary Step 2 With the people in your section, take 3 journals and head outside (yes, outside!!) Read, compare, laugh, and rank them in order of best to not-the-best to discuss when we get back.
Starting the Journal How did you feel giving up your devices, or how did you feel watching others do so? What does it say about society when we have to have a scientific designation like ‘nomophobia’ How did friends and family respond when you said you were ‘checking out’ for a few days? If you’re not giving up your phone discuss why, and also include ways you will still be active in this assignment As we watch the following Ted Talk, make notes in your journal to respond?
Day 2… Journal Ideas As you were watching the Dateline Detox, what did you think of the girls as they went through the process? What activities/etc. have you done to replace your tech? Based on removing yourself from social networking, do you think your Imaginary Audience is missing you? Other than socially, how have you been limited in the last 24 hours and what solutions did you find? Have you been tempted to cheat? (Or have you?) If you have already admitted 100% failure or kept your phone for other reasons, do you feel like you’re missing out on anything that your classmates are going through?
Day 3… Journal Ideas Are you itching to get your device back or are you feeling pretty good? Define Personal Fable – Does your real life have less drama now that your online life isn’t as prevalent? Think of this if you haven’t already – Have you paid more attention in class and on your schoolwork in the past few days? Have you spent more time with ‘actual’ interactions with family and friends? Have you rekindled any hobbies or developed any that you wouldn’t have normally because you were busy on your phone? Will this experience change you in any ways or will you go back to your old ways? If you didn’t take part what are your thoughts? Wish you took part? Slave to your device? Can you make any connections to the theorists discussed yesterday/today?