Update on WFD feature coding By Albrecht Wirthmann, GISCO, Eurostat e-mail: Albrecht.Wirthmann@cec.eu.int
Structure of the presentation Purpose of coding Review of GIS guidance Code application Coding structure Code segments Summary of code segments Implementation of coding
Purpose of feature coding Identifiers for geographic features for the WFD Link between national and European data Topological coding International codes for transboundary features Comprehensive system Functionality Top down coding Code management
GIS Guidance Precedence to unique codes MS#1#2…#22 MS = 2 character Member State identifier, ISO 3166-1-Alpha-2 country codes #1#2…#22 = an up to 22 character feature code that is unique within the Member State. Always upper case, Characters only [A-Z] and [0-9] Digits should be used
Features codes for identifying River (sub) basins (Main) River segments Lakes River water bodies Lake water bodies Coastal water bodies Transitional Water bodies Groundwater bodies Artificial water bodies
Code segments Sea Region River Basin District River basin Entity Type (Lake code segment) Country Unique String
Code Segment Sea Region Identification of a sea region, Eco Region for transitional and coastal waters mandatory One digit Values 1-9
Code Segment Sea Region
Code segment RBD Commencement of Pfaffstetter coding Covers entire territory Common territorial breakdown 3 digits Values 1-999
RBDs in Europe
Code segment River Basin Identification of major catchment Identification of the river basin Pfafstetter code 1-9 digits Values 1-99999999
Code segment River Basin
Code segment River Basin Pfafstetter code Start with longest flow path Interbasins according to drainage area 1 to 1 relationship between sub-basin and river segment Minimum size criterion for code application Identification of reported features
Code segment River Basin
Code segment River Basin
Code segment River Basin Lakes Connected to river network Pfafstetter code of outlet Not connected to river network Additional identifier before country code
Code segment River Basin Connected Lakes
Code segment River Basin 22 23 24 26 25 27 Connected Lakes Lake waterbody code: 4-015-27-LW-SE-193826AMMS3130420 Lake waterbody code: 4-015-25-LW-SE-193826WTMS3130420 25 26 27 Lake code: 4-015-25-LE-SE-193826WTMS3902
Code segment River Basin Code Lake A: 4-015-25-LE-01-SE-193826WTMS3902 Code Lake B: 4-015-25-LE-02-SE-193826WTMS3130420 22 23 24 25 A B Isolated Lakes
Code segment Lake ID Isolated Lake Identifier Optional segment for identifying lakes within a river basin International lakes! Insertion between entity type and country code 2 digits Values: 1-99
Code segment Entity Type Identification of coded feature mandatory 2 characters Values ..
Code segment Entity Type Entity type Values RB River Basin RS River Segment LE Lake CW Coastal Water Body TW Transitional Water Body River Water Body LW Lake Water Body GW Ground Water Body AW Artifical Water Body
Code segment Country Code Distinction between international and national part of features ISO 31-1 Alpha-2 code 2 characters
Code segment Unique String Identification of features on national territory Stable in time Managed by Member State Notification on change GIS Guidance definition for minimizing implementation efforts 22 characters
Coding structure Monitoring stations Discharge points Excluded features Monitoring stations Discharge points Pollution sources Protected Areas
Coding structure Coding of other features Country code Unique String Hydrological code as foreign key
Summary of Code segments