Education for total quality


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Presentation transcript:

Education for total quality Dr. Raymond Almalouli University of Damascus. College of Education 4/15/2019

Problem and justification? Many investigations indicated that the failure of some total quality programs is due to:  * Disinterest in the provision of management education requirements of quality in their institutions. * Or that the education quality has not come in time. (Decision  Insert  Education);2 Wisdom requires that the decision followed the change in the organization to start the education quality in order to succeed in their application. (Decision  Education  Insert). * The narrow, or the wrong, view to the specifications of ISO. * Weakness of the educational curricula, especially in the economy and aesthetics and management, to be able to differentiate between good and bad, and economic and non-economic. 4/15/2019

Why Education for quality? 4/15/2019 Why Education for quality? * Development of the knowledge as an overarching concept * The growing importance of knowledge and information economy * The growing role of education through the growing importance of educating the individual and the training continued as head of human capital * The development of theories and concepts of quality and content, and efficacy of quality management systems and environment to improve the management and operations, products and mastery of Education * The adoption of quality systems primarily on the human effort * Education for quality is considerd an approach to the reform of curricula and methodologies of the educational system 4/15/2019

The concept of education for quality A concept for Educational Quality can be suggested as: “It is the educational process that aims at enabling the learners to participate effectively in the process of sustainable development through the provision of information and knowledge and the skills, attitudes and values ​​and motivations that help them to apply the principles of quality in their working lives and in their relationships with themselves and with others, in the present and the future." 4/15/2019

Therefore education for quality has characteristics which are: 1 - It is the process of preparing and directing the learner through the information provided and concepts and what’s provided as skills that develop attitudes, motivation and values.​​ The purpose of education for quality is not preparing professionals in the science of quality. 2 - It’s combined education in all fields of studies. 3 - It is a participatory process between the teacher and the learner. 4 - All areas of education combine on an interactive way (formal, informal and non-formal). 5 - Progressive education. 6 –It is general by covering all other community systems (economy, education, health, population, environment, technology, management, ... etc). 4/15/2019

The importance of education for quality * The importance of the upbringing of the individual, who will take the responsibility of applying quality prinsiples in personal and professional life. * The ability to modify human behavior and change through learning Overall knowledge of the quality keeps the person away from practicing spontaneous behavior in work and relationships. * Despite the educational efforts on building the personality that has quality features such as: proactive, and the ability to participate in the critical debate of self, and evaluate the work and self, and access to a right knowledge, the inability of education and its programs for achieving that end was confirmed. Because they have not founded on the awareness and understanding of turning it into the values ​​and behaviors. 4/15/2019

Quality in the school curriculum Principles of including the concepts of "quality in the curricula of school education": 1 - Checking the objectives of the curriculum to include ideas related to quality with attention to the levels of those goals (cognitive goals, skill goals, value goals). 2 - Content of the curriculum is the sum of knowledge, information, concepts and principles (generalizations) that describe or explain or interpret or analyze the issues raised. 4/15/2019

Principles of including the concepts of "quality in the curricula of school education": 3 - Coordination of information and formation of a system of concepts that can be a knowledge base suitible for achieving the educational goals This requires: - Identify knowledge systems. - The contents of quality suits the objectives of the curriculum . - The contents of the curricukum respond to the needs of the quality and its principles. 4/15/2019

Principles of including the concepts of "quality in the curricula of school education": 4 - The importance of offering teachers appropriate training on the exercise of non-traditional educational strategies, after which they become more capable of learning experiences related to quality. 5 - Making adjustments in the used evaluation methods that consist with the renovation of the content of the curriculum. 6 - Focus on educational activities (in class and out of it) in the curriculum. Through the attention to the practice where they can guide the efforts of the student partly to exercise and practice the skills that are related to quality. 4/15/2019

The objectives of Education for Quality: If we assume that the goals of Education: * knowledge acquisition. * To adapt to society. * A self-development and personal capacities. * prepare the modern man to meet the demands of life in the light of globalization. The objectives of Education for Quality: 1 One of knowledge. 2 How to work (way). 3 character and wisdom that enables us to fruitful cooperation, perseverance and gain the respect and confidence as members of the community and enable us to set priorities. 4/15/2019

The general objectives of education for the quality and its content 1- Knowledge: The educational objective: Development of cognitive abilities of students by providing them with information (facts), and the concepts and generalizations derived from the various fields of behavioral sciences. - Knowledge levels: * calling knowledge and remembering it. * understanding - comprehension. * solving problems. * creative application. 4/15/2019

Knowledge Centity quality requirement for quality Product Service offering service customer contractor safety conformity defect Qualifier qualification process inspection self inspection verification validation objective evidence competence legal product liability 4/15/2019

The general objectives of education for the quality and its content 2 How to work (way): Through the development of skills and abilities of students. * Thinking skills and mastery of skills * Diagnose problems skills * Creative ritical thinking * Decision-making * skills to deal with others * communication skills * Computer, and other technologies, using skills. * Success in work skills * Good human relations skills * skill of adaptation and flexibility * skills, conflict resolution and negotiation * The ability to do research and interpretation of data and application. * Discipline and responsibility skills 4/15/2019

The general objectives of education for the quality and its content 3 - Personality and Wizdom: we mean by that the group of the personality traits and values: Fidelity Honesty Initiative The ability to work individually Reliability Modesty Integration Self-esteem Capacity for collective action Conviction Curiosity Cooperation Perseverance 4/15/2019

The general objectives of education for the quality and its content 3 - Personality and Wizdom: we mean by that the group of the personality traits and values: - Respect for the values ​​of effort. - Understanding the work ethic and discipline. - Appreciation of diversity. - The ability to work with others as a member of the team. - Self - responsibility taking of work. - Citizenship and knowledge of the responsibilities of the individual in a democratic society. - The desire to resolve disputes in a peaceful manner. - The demand for life, and to develop other goals for lifelong learning. 4/15/2019

Levels of objectives Level objectives of quality can be accomplished according to the following: First level: It comprises the basics of total quality: principles, concepts and facts. Second level: Focuses on the conceptual awareness of issues and values: The Individual and his/her role in the quality or non-quality life.​​ Third level: Focuses on the knowledge by means of skills of inquiry and evaluation. Level four: Emphasizes the practice, as in: - Acquiring the skills of citizenship that will enable, individually and collectively, the actual practice (persuasion, consumption, political action, legislative action, the adminstration.) which is appropriate for diagnosis of problems related to quality, and a willingness to solve them. - Providing an opportunity for students to apply the skills to take appropriate decisions on the practice strategies related to issues of quality. 4/15/2019

The means to achieve goals of education for quality 1- Studing quality systems. 2- Focusing on the scientific principle of unity. The sense of insight into the content-specific knowledge in the formation of a holistic view of quality. 3- Confirming the participation of individuals and institutions in the diagnosis of quality obstacles, and seek to resolve them. 4- Focus on the study of the effects of not applying quality currently in (agriculture, industry, trade, and the various services sectors). 4/15/2019

The means to achieve quality education for 5- Highlighting the complexity of the problems resulting from the introduction of non-quality, and the interdependence of these problems 6- Taking the local environment of the learner (home, school, factory living ... etc.) as learning environments 7- Drawing attention to the practical activities in order to give the learner experiences directly 4/15/2019

Methods to achieve the goals of Education for Quality 1- Direct experience: learners deal directly with the local environment (field visits, actively participate in research through the collection of information on the subject which has been studied in the classroom, analyze information, draw conclusions and make recommendations. That is how the students practice skill of decision-making and problem-solving. 2- Studying issues related to quality: help learners in understanding the elements of the problem and the reasons for its appearance. Such as problems related to management, calibration etc .... 4/15/2019

Methods to achieve the goals of Education for Quality 3- Solving problems: through the participation of learners in the discussion of issues that impede the attainment of quality and assurance, or seizure ... 4- Giving opportunity to participate: participation can bring benefits to learners, such as: developing thinking skills like observation and measurement,distiction and regulation. As well as the acquisition of manual skills through the use of devices and tools and the acquisition of desirable attitudes and habits. 4/15/2019

Curriculum planning according to the theory of systems The inclusion of quality concepts in educational curricula requires : * Determine who the target is of this service (education). * Determine the objectives of education for the quality. * Determine the justification for the quality of education. * Determine the content of the quality for curricula modification. * Selection of appropriate strategies to include the concepts and principles of quality in the curriculum. * Analysis of the contents of books and tuning them up. * Curriculum design in accordance with the approved inputs. * Preliminary assessment. * Final testing. * Analysis of the results and evaluation. 4/15/2019

The strategies of including the consepts of quality in the curriculum 1- Interdisciplinary majors 2- Multidisciplinary 3- Tran disciplinary 4- Units 4/15/2019