Agenda, Day 1 Start Topic Presenter Duration 08:30 Getting Settled Coffee and Treats 00:30 09:00 Welcome & Agenda Fischer 00:10 09:10 CDR Introduction Cygnarowicz 00:05 09:15 Science Investigation Overview Scherrer 09:45 Instrument Development Overview 10:15 System Engineering Miles 10:45 Break 00:15 11:00 Reliability Wolf 00:20 11:20 Optical System Rairden 11:50 Filter System Shine 00:25 12:15 Lunch 00:45 13:00 Michelson Interferometers and Beamsplitters Bush 13:25 Polarization, Radiometry, and Calibration Schou 13:45 Mechanical System Gradwohl 14:30 Structural Analysis Katz 14:50 Filter Oven System Dusenbury 15:15 15:30 HOP Thermal System Navarro 00:40 16:10 Mechanisms Akin 01:00 17:10 Image Stabilization System Edwards 17:30 Adjourn Day 1
Agenda, Day 2 Start Topic Presenter Duration 08:30 Getting Settled Coffee and Treats 00:30 09:00 Focal Plane System Overview Thomas 00:20 09:20 CCD (e2v) Wilson 00:40 10:00 CEB (RAL) Waltham 10:40 Break 00:15 10:55 Electronics Lindgren 01:20 12:15 Lunch 00:45 13:00 EEE Parts Yamamoto 13:15 HEB Thermal Navarro 13:35 Flight Software Drake 01:15 14:50 15:05 Integration and Test Moskal 15:50 Launch and On-orbit Calibration Bush 16:10 Mission Assurance McFeaters 16:30 Review Team Caucus 17:00 Debrief 17:15 Adjourn Day 2
HMI Deputy Program Manager Welcome and Agenda Barbara Fischer HMI Deputy Program Manager LMSSC*ATC*LMSAL 650-424-2838
Welcome ...the common eye sees only the outside of things, and judges by that, but the seeing eye pierces through and reads the heart and the soul, finding there capacities which the outside didn't indicate or promise, and which the other kind couldn't detect. Mark Twain Welcome and thank you for being our seeing eye…..on with the review
The HMI Team Phil Scherrer Alan Title Romeo Durscher Rock Bush HMI Principal Investigator Alan Title HMI-CoI, LMSAL Lead/AIA PI LMSAL Romeo Durscher Financial/Admin Rock Bush HMI-Stanford Prg. Mgr. Larry Springer HMI-AIA Prg. Mgr. Sasha Kosovichev HMI Science Lead Barbara Fischer HMI Deputy Prg.Mgr. Jesper Schou HMI Instrument Scientist Phil Scherrer Acting JSOC Data Lead Yang Liu Magnetic Field Science Margie Stehle Admin Support Carl Cimilucca JSOC System Engineer Keh-Cheng Chu JSOC Hardware TBD System Support Jim Aloise JSOC Software Jeneen Sommers Database & GUI Hao Thai Data Operations Rasmus Larsen Processing & Analysis Sci Programmer Rick Bogart Data Export Karen Tian VSO Access
The HMI Team - LMSAL Alan Title HMI-LMSAL Lead/AIA PI Frank Friedlaender Resource Manager Technical Advisors Jake Wolfson Ted Tarbell Bob Honeycutt Susan Piazza Margaret Morgan Linda Gates Shayne Mathews Ramona Jimenez Program Office Assistant Larry Springer HMI/AIA Program Manager Ed McFeaters Mission Assurance Ruth Mix Configuration Management Francis Lee Chuck Fischer Karen Kao Dale Wolfe Zaki Kudiya Ross Yamamoto Pete Kacensky Barbara Fischer HMI Deputy PM Common w/ AIA John Miles System Engineer/ CPE Rose Navarro Thermal Lead Glenn Gradwohl Mechanical Lead Russ Lindgren Electronics Lead Jerry Drake Software Lead Carin Lundquist Don Ausmus Lizzie Barnett Klaas Bol John Fischer Ernest Herrera Noah Katz Tom Nichols Jack Palouci John Vieira Brad Watson John Wang Bob Caravalho Jay Dusenbury Viet Duong Chris Edwards Cliff Evans Bruce Imai Jerry Janeka Dwana McClurg Sokong Sour Bill Taylor Edgar Thomas Kent Zickur Ron Baraze Roger Chevalier Gary Heyman Dnyanesh Mathur Roger Rehse JP Riley Ralph Seguin Dave Akin Mechanism Lead Rick Rairden Optics Lead Tom Nichols Darrel Torgerson Dexter Duncan CCD Lead Dave Kirkpatrick Integration and Test Dick Shine Filter Lead Lawrence Shing Ryan Moskal Louis Tavarez
Executive Summary Completed all peer reviews Internal independent reviewers Project reviewers Structural model structure received and started assembly Environmental testing scheduled for Dec Front window testing complete HCM life test began Shutter life test is near completion HEB design, specifications and drawings are complete HEB brass boards and enclosure are in fabrication SUROM acceptance test is complete Space-wire Bread board in fabrication All required CDRL items are supplied (copies available in lobby for your review) ICD initial release complete Drawing Status: 86% Complete HOP Fabrication Drawings 278 Of 334 83% HEB Fabrication Drawings 64 80 80% SM/ETU Model Drawings 173 179 97% Total 515 593 86%