Quasars By Ava Pickel
Cool Facts About Quasars More energy than 100 normal galaxies combined Can be one trillion times brighter than the Sun Until 1963 humans thought quasars were galaxies 800 million light years away 12 billion light years away from earth Baby galaxies that give off a lot of light are probably quasars
How Far Away Is The Farthest Quasar? Powered by black hole Mass 2 billion times the mass of the sun Brightest object detected in the universe Named ULAS J1120+0641 Seen 770million years after the big bang 12.9 billion years for light to reach us
How A Quasar Is Made? Huge amounts of energy from a black hole
How Far Away is the Nearest Quasar? 600 million light years away Center of it 150 million times the mass of the sun The companion weighs in at 4 million solar masses Dynamic duo (quasar) orbits every 1.2 years
How Much Have Scientist Discovered About Quasars? Most distant thing found by humans Quasar is short for quasi- stellar-radio source Quasars are the most distant object detected in the universe Quasars have redshifts between 0.056 and 7.085
How Many Quasars Have We Found? More than 200,000 quasars 12 billion years old Billions of light years away
How Big Is The Biggest Quasar? 4 billion light years away Group of young active quasars 4 billion light years across