November 1, 2018 What is a social structure?
Homework due tomorrow.
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Essential Standard . 6.C.1.1 Analyze how cultural expressions reflected the values of civilizations, societies and regions.
Essential Question How did the culture of Sumer reflect their values and beliefs?
I can question. I Can” Statement:compare and contrast the our social structure and the social structure of Mesopotamia.
About the city state. Z50c
Sumer was the first civilization in Mesopotamia Sumer was the first civilization in Mesopotamia. It was a group of city states. Because of specialization, people became artisans. A city state is a city that has its own leader. It is a country but it also a city. The people of Sumer did not use money. They barterd.
Discussion in Canvas. Do you agree with how people are ordered in Sumer? Why or Why not?
Go to my Powerpoint in Canvas. Click on the link.
Artisans of Sumer. Artisans in Mesopotamia represented the middle class of society. They were free citizens with a few rights and privileges who created the goods desired by the upper classes. Fine pottery, gold and silver jewelry, carved ivory figurines, finely woven textiles and carved semi-precious gemstones were all goods traded throughout the cities of Mesopotamia and the greater world. Providing these goods were the work of a city’s craft workers or artisans.
Merchants. A merchant is someone that sells things in a store. You might trade: wool, textiles, wheat. You had to travel to do this.
Scribes were very important people Scribes were very important people. They were trained to write cuneiform and record many of the languages spoken in Mesopotamia. Withoutscribes, letters would not have been written or read, royal monuments would not have been carved with cuneiform, and stories would have been told and then forgotten.
Brick maker. You make sun dried bricks for the house. You can bee seen making and drying your bricks.
Fishermen. You fish in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and bring the fish to market.
Butcher You take slaughtered animals and process them into meat for sale
I would like you to choose one of the previous occupations and become that person. Why did you become this person? What are the main duties with this occupation?
Copy next slide make a skit about your occupation Copy next slide make a skit about your occupation. Remember you are in Sumer. If you need more information on your Sumerian occupation, you may research it on the internet.
Occupation in Sumer. Character 1: I love my job Character 2:Why?
Let students present.
Exit ticket. Answer in Canvas. What is social structure?