Our 1st Grade Classroom News Week of December 10th – 14th Email: valorietrombley@johnston.k12.nc.us Our Learning Focus Important Information ** We had our 1st Fun Friday last week!! We get to celebrate having all of our work finished each week with special centers like Legos, lincoln logs, building blocks, waffle blocks, puzzles, etc. Theme: Christmas, Elves, & Reindeer Math: understanding place value and equivalence with larger numbers (up to 120) Phonics: Glued Sounds – ang, ing, ung, ong Reading Focus: Retelling stories with key details & identifying the central message/ lesson Writing Focus: Writing narratives that recount 2 or more appropriately sequenced events with details, temporal words, & a sense of closure Speaking/Language: expressing ideas and feelings clearly; describing with relevant detail Science: Our new unit on the Earth, Moon, and Sun will start in January! ** Wish List Items: Thank you for SO much for your help with stocking stuffers. We have plenty now!!! ** We are having craft day on Monday, December 17th. Please be sure your child is here if possible!! Dates to know 12/10 – PTA Holiday Shop from 4:00-7:00 12/11-12/14: PTA Holiday Shop during school hours 12/17: Secret Santa due! 12/17: Christmas Craft Day 12/18: PTA Family Dinner Night at Simple Twist from 5:00-9:00pm 12/19: Christmas Party - 2:15 12/21: Early Dismissal & End of 2nd Quarter 12/22 – 1/6: Christmas Break 1/9 – 1/31: mid-year literacy assessments 3/28: Field trip to Marbles & IMAX Words to Remember WWW: month, been, own, little, want, work Word Families: -ump, -ut, -ush