5G Architecture and Slicing for Customised Networks The 5G-MoNArch vision Presented by Marco Gramaglia (UC3M) deputy TM<mgramagl@it.uc3m.es>
5G MoNArch concept
5G MoNArch Innovations Enhance and complete 5G network architecture concepts, make network slicing usable Develop and implement dedicated vertical use cases with specific functionality requirements Proof-of-concept and validation through simulation and real-world testbeds – sea port and touristic city
5G-MoNArch Innovations (II)
Functional Innovation: Resource Elasticity Elasticity: ability to gracefully adapt to load changes in an automatic manner such that at each point in time the available resources match the demand as closely and efficiently as possible. Dimensions of elasticity: i) computational, ii) orchestration-driven, iii) slice-aware.
VNF Elasticity Three key contributions of resource elasticity functional innovation: Introduce elasticity at both edge and central cloud taking into account the associated constraints of the cloud infrastructure and the mobile network Consider that in 5G cloud resources are shared by different slices and their availability may change according to the dynamic request of tenants Provide an edge cloud architecture where computational and storage resources can be federated, assigned, and scaled where needed according to the load
Artificial Intelligence An AI engine provides the following: ability to automate network configuration and monitoring processes to reduce OPEX understanding the configuration and context, such as the dynamic demand of the resources, and the varying service requirements. taking actions and automating complex human-dependent decision-making processes ensuring that automated decisions taken by the system are correct finding bottlenecks of service or failure of network rapidly reacting to faults to recover Source: ETSI ENI White paper, 2017.
Flexible and Adaptive Architecture Big Picture: Initial Architecture New Cross-domain M&O and Cross-slice M&O component for E2E slicing management Flexible and Adaptive Architecture Big Picture: Initial Architecture Key features Slicing support cross network layer, control layer, management layer Specification of slice-specific & slice-common network functions Multi-tenancy capable network management and orchestration PNFs & VNFs integrated into common framework Dynamic resource sharing between slices Orchestration extension for container infrastructure (CI) Centralized controller layer to run control applications (DESIGN OPTION) Definition of new interfaces between management/controller and network layer, e.g. Itf-X, MOLI, & SOBI Classification in terms of Slice-specific & Slice- common Network Functions CP/UP Network Layer Functions of different technical domains
Flexible and Adaptive Architecture Layer: Management & Orchestration Incorporate 3GPP SA5 functional blocks CSMF (Communication Service Management Function) and NSMF (Network Slice Management Function) & ETSI MANO: Extend with 5G-MoNArch NFs Cloud enabled protocol stack Flexible and Adaptive Architecture Inter-slice control & management Layer: Management & Orchestration Experiment-driven Optimization E2E Service Management & Orchestration (M&O) CSMF NSMF Cross-Domain M&O Cross-Slice M&O NSSMF Requirements Translation Requirements Update Service. Allocation Service. Activation Service. Analytics S. Allocation S. Configuration S. Activation S. Alarm S. Blueprint NSSI Decomposition S. Performance Monitoring S. SOMO Computational & Orchestration Driven Elasticity Security & Resilience Management S. Measurement Job Cross Slice Requirements verification Cross Subnet Requirements verification CROSS S. SOMO Slice-aware & Orchestration Driven Elasticity S. S. Allocation S. S. Configuration S. S. Activation S. S. Alarm NSD Creation SS. Performance Monitoring S. S. SOMO Computational, Slice-aware & Orchestration Driven Elasticity S. S. Measurement Job NFV MANO NFVO (CS & VMs) VNF Manager VMI CI VIM VMIM CIMF Big Data Module Monitoring Data 2 3 7 5 4 8 11 12 13 14 6 10 9 Example Network Slice Allocation Flow
Data analytics module at the network layer [1] NWDAF provides cross slice, per slice, per UE data analytics, e.g., Used for network slice selection (NSSF) Used for cross slice QoS policy decisions (PCF) NWDAF in SBA according to the description in [2] [1] 5G-MoNArch D2.2 Initial overall architecture and concepts for enabling innovations, Jun. 2018 [2] TS 23.501 V15.1.0 System Architecture for the 5G System, Mar. 2018.
Data analytics module at the M&O layer [1] E2E Service Management & Orchestration (M&O) CSMF NSMF Cross-Domain M&O Cross-Slice M&O NSSMF Requirements Translation Requirements Update Service. Allocation Service. Activation Service. Analytics S. Allocation S. Configuration S. Activation S. Alarm S. Blueprint NSSI Decomposition S. Performance Monitoring S. SOMO Computational & Orchestration Driven Elasticity Security & Resilience Management S. Measurement Job Cross Slice Requirements verification Cross Subnet Requirements verification CROSS S. SOMO Slice-aware & Orchestration Driven Elasticity S. S. Allocation S. S. Configuration S. S. Activation S. S. Alarm NSD Creation SS. Performance Monitoring S. S. SOMO Computational, Slice-aware & Orchestration Driven Elasticity S. S. Measurement Job NFV MANO NFVO (CS & VMs) VNF Manager VMI CI VIM VMIM CIMF Big Data Module Monitoring Data [1] 5G-MoNArch D2.2 Initial overall architecture and concepts for enabling innovations, June 2018 .
Testbeds Focus areas: Applications Smart Sea Port (Hamburg) Traffic control/Surveillance Barges measurements Smart Sea Port (Hamburg) Touristic City (Turin) Focus areas: On-site Live Event Experience by means of VR Immersive and Integrated Media: People will see a part of a touristic city full of real and imaginary people Cooperative Media Production: People will cooperate in real time with imaginary and real people who are feeling the same VR experience. Applications Traffic light control (cMTC): Traffic lights which are connected through wireless connection; reliable and resilient; data integrity Video surveillance (MBB): Video surveillance required to control entrance to areas, current status of areas, etc Sensor measurements (mMTC); Sensor measurements on barges which must be connect through wireless terminals
Hamburg Smart Sea Port Testbed Cross-domain and cross-slice security and resilience management functions Hamburg Smart Sea Port Testbed Technologies and Setup: Architecture Integration Slice specific SDAP, PDCP and RLC Implemented innovations and connection with other WPs. Flexible adaptive architecture and network slicing (WP2) Network reliability, resilience and security (WP3) eMBB: Carries the AR traffic. SDAP, PDCP, and RLC layers are slice-specific. In the c-plane PCF, UDM and SMF are dedicated to the eMBB slice and deployed remotely. URLLC: Used for ITS applications. Service-specific RLC, PDCP, SDAP in the RAN. In the in c-plane SMF, PCF and UDM are shared among the slices deployed in the local edge cloud. C- and u-plane is deployed locally. mMTC: Carries traffic from environment sensors. RLC, PDCP, SDAP and UPF are dedicated instances with customised behaviour deployed in the edge cloud. All slices use common PHY and MAC layers Common MAC and PHY in RAN Dedicated SMF, PCF and UDM for eMBB In c-plane the AMF and RRC are common for all deployed slices. Fault Management Shared SMF, PCF and UDM between URLLC and mMTC slice Multi-connectivity Dedicated UPF for URLLC and mMTC slices
Implemented Innovations Touristic City Turin Cross slice and cross-domain elasticity and management Implemented Innovations UPF is slice-specific Slice specific SDAP, PDCP and RLC Implemented innovations and connection with other WPs. Resource elasticity (WP4) AI and Big Data analytics (WP4) Network slicing (WP2) eMBB network slice: The eMBB network slice delivers the high resolution 360 video to the user. Higher layers: RLC, PDCP and SDAP are slice-specific. URLLC network slice is utilized for delivering the low latency haptic interactions among the avatars. Function setup is similar in terms of sharing and deployment. The UPF may be moved from one cloud to the other. In the RAN , the slices use the common PHY and MAC layers. The RRC at RAN and AMF, SMF, PCF and UDM at c-plane are common to both slices. 3GPP elements CSMF, NSMF and NSSMF include specific elasticity modules. Common MAC and PHY in RAN Common c-plane AMF, SMF, PCF and UDM AI and Big Data analytics
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