Steps of a Lesson – Conclusion
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The Steps of a Lesson Warm Up ____________ Present ____________ Practice ____________ Apply ____________ Extend ____________ Wrap Up ____________ Application Distribute Handout 5.2. Put participants in pairs and tell them: On the handout, you have the steps of a lesson plan from Our World Level 3 Lesson Planner, pp. 72–75. Your job is to put them in the right order and label them. The names of the steps are on the screen. 1. Cut the squares apart. 2. Read each activity. 3. Write the name of each step on the line. 4. Put the steps in order to view a complete lesson plan. When each group is finished labeling or sorting the steps, ask for volunteers to call out the correct answers. Drag and drop the answers on the screen: 1. Warm Up/Activity D 2. Present/Activity E 3. Practice/Activity A 4. Apply/Activity F 5. Extend/Activity C 6. Wrap Up/Activity B Activity D Activity B Activity E Activity C Activity F Activity A