Quarkonium production in p-p and A-A collisions: ALICE status report E. Scomparin (INFN-Torino, Italy) for the ALICE Collaboration 7 Fermilab, May 18-21, 2010
Introduction ALICE (A Large Heavy-Ion Collision Experiment): the dedicated heavy-ion experiment at the LHC Main focus on Pb-Pb collisions QGP studies up to the nominal LHC luminosity, 51026 cm-2s-1 p-p collisions are a crucial aspect of the physics program Reference for heavy-ion collision studies Genuine p-p physics Maximum luminosity limited to ~3 1030 cm-2s-1 due to pile-up in TPC Faster detectors (e.g. muon spectrometer) may stand a higher luminosity Running conditions appropriate for quarkonium studies (both charmonium and bottomonium)
The ALICE experiment Still to be completed PHOS: 3/5 EMCAL: 4/12 TRD: 7/18 ZDC Quarkonium production can be studied at both central and forward y
Quarkonium measurement in ALICE (1) Quarkonia can be measured at BOTH central (|y|<0.9) and forward (2.5<y<4) rapidity Central barrel (e+e- decay mode) Tracking+PID in ITS+TPC+TRD Resolution ? TRD e- reconstruction efficiency 80-90% for pT>0.5 GeV/c mis-identification ~ 1%
Quarkonium measurement in ALICE (2) TPC substantially helps in hadron rejection, at small momenta 85 m3 - NeC2O2N2 gas mixture 557,568 readout channels Maximum drift time = 92 ms Many (>90) 3D points (+dE/dx) per track Overall TPC+TRD e- reconstruction efficiency ~75%
Quarkonium measurement in ALICE (3) Muon spectrometer Cathode Pad Chambers for tracking (1.08106 channels) Resistive Plate Chambers for trigger (2.1 104 channels) Front absorber (10 I) Muon filter (7.2 I) for muon selection Beam shield to protect muon detectors
Quarkonium measurement in ALICE (4) Trigger logic: pT cut (with various thresholds >0.5 GeV/c) Select particles pointing to the interaction region Distance of closest approach (DCA) to the vertex for tracks in the muon spectrometer ALICE Performance Work in Progress No trigger requirement With trigger requirement No trigger With trigger Muons Hadrons Total PYTHIA 7 TeV PYTHIA 7 TeV pp 7 TeV DCA(cm) DCA(cm) Muon trigger very effective in rejecting Hadronic contribution Soft (background related) component
J/ acceptances As an example, consider pp collisions at √s =7 TeV Central rapidity (|y|<0.9) Forward rapidity (2.5<y<4) No trigger cut Trigger cut pT=0.5 GeV/c Trigger cut pT=1 GeV/c
Physics performance, PbPb collisions, central rapidity Simulations for the 2010 running conditions (√s = 2.76 ATeV) still in progress. For the nominal LHC conditions: J/ ~ 30 MeV, ~ 80 MeV J/ physics accessible, may need trigger First estimates for the 2010 PbPb run: ~10000 J/, ~70
Physics performance, PbPb collisions, forward rapidity Again, detailed simulation at √s = 2.76 ATeV still not ready At nominal energy and luminosity, for 106 s running time Integrated yields (no medium effects except shadowing) J/ (2S) (1S) (2S) (3S) 7105 2104 7103 2103 1103 central J/ ~ 70 MeV ~ 100 MeV Resonance separation is possible Centrality dependence of J/ and yields can be studied Worse situation for (2S)
Enough for QGP physics ? Many crucial predictions can be settled at the LHC Hyerarchy of suppression for both charmonia and bottomonia ? Observation of melting? Charmonia enhancement due to thermal production at the phase boundary ? (CC = 10RHIC, Volume = 3RHIC) (3S) b(2P) (2S) b(1P) (1S) Andronic et al., Phys. Lett. B652(2007) 259 Digal et al., Phys.Rev. D64(2001) 094015
pp collisions, central rapidity ALICE is luminosity limited, due mainly to pile-up in the TPC, to 3 1030 cm-2s-1 240 kHz interaction rate Data taking rate limited to ~1kHz (a few 100 Hz in Pb-Pb) Need electron trigger (level 1,2) to provide a reduction factor ~200 (under study) pp first run at 7 TeV (109 MB event sample) No trigger a few 102 J/ With L1 trigger a few 105 J/ ! Statistics would increase by a factor 7-10 with full TRD installed J/ efficiency with single-e L1 trigger
pp collisions, forward rapidity At nominal LHC energy (107 s run, L= 3 1030 cm-2s-1) Spectrum dominated by correlated background (low multiplicity, the uncorrelated contribution is small) S [x103] S/B S/√(S+B) J/ 2800 12 1600 ’ 75 0.6 170 It will be possible to study J/ pT differential distribution with reasonable statistics up to 20 GeV/c First pp run at 7 TeV Depending on the maximum luminosity chosen for ALICE, and assuming, tentatively, LHC=0.12 L= 3 1029 cm-2s-1 (beginning) 104 J/ month-1 L= 3 1030 cm-2s-1 105 J/ month-1
Other charmonia resonances: c m=m(e+e- )-m(e+e-) C J/+ (pp collisions at midrapidity) Photon conversion: opposite sign tracks associated to a V0, with cuts on the angle (<0.1 rad) and mass (<0.15 GeV/c2) Electron triggering crucial also for this signal Expected statistics from first run: ~2000 c
Bottomonium production Forward rapidity, nominal √s and luminosity, 107 s running time S [x103] S/B S/√(S+B) 27 10.4 157 ’ 6.8 3.4 73 ’’ 4.2 2.4 55 Good statistics allows a detailed study of differential distributions and polarization Measurement feasible also in the first run at 7 TeV Central rapidity, triggering is mandatory for a meaningful statistics
Quarkonia polarization, forward y J/ (J/ bck subtr) (J/ + bck) Bias on the evaluation of the J/ polarization due to the background is not very large (as expected) with 200K J/, the error on J/ is < 0.02 With the available statistics we can evaluate the polarization with a statistical error between 0.05–0.11 = 0 Statistical errors, for the pT dependence of the polarization, vary between 0.03 -0.2 ALICE expected statistics in 1 year ~ 3 times CDF statistics (Run I, 3 yr)
results corresponding to J/ from B hadrons Feasible in the central barrel, thanks to the very good impact parameter resolution (r < 60m for pT>1 GeV/c) with results corresponding to 4109 MB events (7/18 TRD) Forward detection more difficult 3-muon events upgrade with Si tracker in front of muon spectrometer
First quarkonia signals in ALICE Forward rapidity Central rapidity Muon-chamber alignment ongoing ALICE work in progress After a few weeks running at 7 TeV, quarkonia signals start to pop out Luminosity now increasing..... ...expect physics results soon!
Conclusions ALICE: an experiment conceived for heavy-ion running, but with good pp capabilities Luminosity limited (TPC) to L~31030 cm-2s-1 , but enough for most charmonium/bottomonium related signals Crucial detectors for quarkonia measurement in good shape from the beginning of the LHC run at 7 TeV TRD to be completed asap First quarkonium signals (J/) have been observed: physics results expected soon
Starts from ||<0.9 (not y) 10 TeV differential distributions (CDF extrapolation)