OVERVIEW Current status: GE enrollment Current CSUN GE Plan vs. EO 1100R framework Types of enrollment shift Upper-division GE comparisons: Current plan vs. proposed options
CURRENT STATUS: Average units taken by GE area* First-time freshmen: A B C D E F Lower division 8.09 12.47 7.02 11.51 5.35 3.77 Upper division 0.14 0.48 2.68 3.32 3.37 Upper-division transfers: A B C D E F Lower division 0.36 2.51 1.11 1.60 1.30 0.71 Upper division 0.18 0.40 2.26 2.91 3.20 3.15 *: Data include students who started as FTF or FTT and completed their degrees between Fall 2016 and Spring 2018, and represent average units earned in courses for each area (i.e., units by enrollment, not by requirements fulfilled).
CURRENT STATUS: Average units in upper-division GE
CURRENT STATUS: Proportion of units taken in Section F by discipline LOWER DIVISION UPPER DIVISION TOTAL ES/GWS/QS Language Other LD avg units UD avg units Section F avg units FTF 48% 31% 22% 4.97 28% 72% 3.40 8.37 FTT 25% 27% 0.78 20% 80% 3.19 3.97 *: Data include students who completed their degrees in 2017-18, and represent average units earned in courses for each area (i.e., units by enrollment, not by requirements fulfilled).
CURRENT STATUS: Proportion of units taken in Section F by discipline
CURRENT STATUS: Proportion of units taken in Section F by discipline
CURRENT STATUS: Upper-division GE FTES by area (Fall 2018) TOTAL 56 215 762 975 1,321 1,058 4,387
CURRENT CSUN GE PLAN A: BASIC SKILLS 9 units A1 (speech): LD or UD A2 (writing)& A3 (critical thinking): LD B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 11 units, incl. 2 labs C: ARTS & HUMANITIES 6 units (LD or UD) D: SOCIAL SCIENCES 12 units (LD or UD) E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (LD or UD) F: COMPARATIVE CULTURAL STUDIES 6 units (LD or UD)
CURRENT CSUN GE PLAN EO 1100R FRAMEWORK A: BASIC SKILLS 9 units A1 (speech): LD or UD A2 (writing)& A3 (critical thinking): LD A: BASIC SKILLS 9 units LD only B1=Physical Sciences B2=Life Sciences B3=Labs B4=Math & QR B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 11 units, incl. 2 labs B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 12 units (3 UD), incl. 1 lab C: ARTS & HUMANITIES 6 units (LD or UD) C: ARTS & HUMANITIES 6 units (LD/UD split depends on plan) C1=Arts C2=Humanities D: SOCIAL SCIENCES 12 units (LD or UD) D: SOCIAL SCIENCES 12 units (LD/UD split depends on plan) E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (LD or UD) E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (not included in UDGE) F: COMPARATIVE CULTURAL STUDIES 6 units (LD or UD) F: COMPARATIVE CULTURAL STUDIES 6 units (LD/UD split depends on plan)* *: with campus F exception
CURRENT CSUN GE PLAN EO 1100R FRAMEWORK Required in all proposed plans A: BASIC SKILLS 9 units A1 (speech): LD or UD A2 (writing)& A3 (critical thinking): LD A: BASIC SKILLS 9 units LD only Required in all proposed plans B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 11 units, incl. 2 labs B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 12 units (3 UD), incl. 1 lab Shift depends on plan C: ARTS & HUMANITIES 6 units (LD or UD) C: ARTS & HUMANITIES 6 units (LD/UD split depends on plan) Shift depends on plan D: SOCIAL SCIENCES 12 units (LD or UD) D: SOCIAL SCIENCES 12 units (LD/UD split depends on plan) Required in all proposed plans E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (LD or UD) E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (not included in UDGE) Shift depends on plan F: COMPARATIVE CULTURAL STUDIES 6 units (LD or UD) F: COMPARATIVE CULTURAL STUDIES 6 units (LD/UD split depends on plan)* *: with campus F exception
CURRENT CSUN GE PLAN EO 1100R FRAMEWORK 501-522% ⇧ in UD B (from LD B) B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 11 units, incl. 2 labs B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 12 units (3 UD), incl. 1 lab 501-522% ⇧ in UD B (from LD B) Current status: Most B units taken in LD (average < 1 unit in UD) Likely shift: From less than 1 unit to at least 3 units in UD E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (not included in UDGE) E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (LD or UD)
CURRENT CSUN GE PLAN EO 1100R FRAMEWORK up to 57-62% ⇩ in UD E B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 11 units, incl. 2 labs B: NATURAL SCIENCES & QUANTITATIVE REASONING 12 units (3 UD), incl. 1 lab Current status: Most B units taken in LD (average < 1 unit in UD) Likely shift: From less than 1 unit to at least 3 units in UD E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (LD or UD) E: LIFELONG LEARNING 3 units (not included in UDGE) up to 57-62% ⇩ in UD E (to LD E) Current status: Average > 3 units in UD FTF: avg total of > 8 units Likely shift: FTT: from more than 3 units to 0 units in UD (unless required in major) FTF: unclear since already > 3 total units
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON NOTES Minimal impact is expected prior to Fall 2021: Most new FTF will not start new upper-division GE until 60+ units (year 3+) FTT have catalog rights to year they started at community college Will start new GE plan in Fall 2021
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON NOTES Estimates presented here are for UPPER-DIVISION GE ONLY Enrollment shifts will be of two types: between lower- and upper-division in most sections, total required units remains the same, so a decrease in UD would result in an increase in LD in the same area (and vice versa) between areas in upper division depending on requirements in the chosen plan, enrollment may shift between areas NOTE: in most plans, the shifts will be a combination of the above
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON Strict Compliance (Plan 0/Option 0) Upper division: 3 each in B, C, D (no F) B C D F Student 3 --
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN B: 11 units, LD or UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD F: 6 units, up to 6 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN STRICT COMPLIANCE B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, 3 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, 3 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, no UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN STRICT COMPLIANCE ⇧ 501-517% B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD ⇧ 29-31% C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, 3 UD ⇧ 36-38% D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, 3 UD ⇩ 57-59% E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE ⇩ 56-57% F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, no UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON Max of 3 in C, D (Plan 2/Option 4) Upper division: 3 in B, 6 in C, D, or F, with max of 3 in C, D B C D F Student 1 3 -- Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 6
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN B: 11 units, LD or UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD F: 6 units, up to 6 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN MAX OF 3 IN C, D B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, up to 3 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, up to 6 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN MAX OF 3 IN C, D ⇧ 501-517% B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD ⇩ 3-4% C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, up to 3 UD ⇩ 2% D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, up to 3 UD ⇩ 60-61% E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE ≈ F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, up to 6 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON 3 in F (Plan 3/Option 5) Upper division: 3 in B, 3 in C or D, 3 in F B C D F Student 1 3 -- Student 2
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN B: 11 units, LD or UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD F: 6 units, up to 6 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN 3 IN F B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, up to 3 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, 3 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN 3 IN F ⇧ 501-517% B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD ⇩ 12% C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, up to 3 UD ⇩ 9-10% D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, up to 3 UD ⇩ 61-62% E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE ⇧ 12% F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, 3 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON 6 in any 2 (Plan 4/Option 6) Upper division: 3 in B, 6 in any two of C, D, F B C D F Student 1 3 -- Student 2 Student 3
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN B: 11 units, LD or UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD F: 6 units, up to 6 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN 6 IN ANY 2 B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, up to 3 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, up to 3 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN 6 IN ANY 2 ⇧ 501-517% B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD ≈ C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, up to 3 UD ≈ D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, up to 3 UD ⇩ 60-61% E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE ⇩ 4% F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, up to 3 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON 3 or 6 in F (Plan 5/Option 7) Upper division: 3 in B, 3 in F, 3 in C, D, or F B C D F Student 1 3 -- Student 2 Student 3 3 + 3
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN B: 11 units, LD or UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD F: 6 units, up to 6 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN 3 OR 6 IN F B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, up to 3 UD D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, 3 or 6 UD
UPPER-DIVISION GE COMPARISON CURRENT PLAN 3 OR 6 IN F ⇧ 505-522% B: 11 units, LD or UD B: 12 units, incl. 3 UD ⇩ 16-17% C: 6 units, up to 6 UD C: 6 units, up to 3 UD ⇩ 14% D: 12 units, up to 9 UD D: 12 units, up to 3 UD ⇩ 61-62% E: 3 units, up to 3 UD E: 3 units, not UDGE ⇧ 18% F: 6 units, up to 6 UD F: 6 units, 3 or 6 UD
SUMMARY: UD GE COMPARISON Estimated shifts by Fall 2024 Strict compliance 501-517% 29-31% 36-38% 57-59% 56-57% Max of 3 in C, D 3-4% 2% 60-61% ≈ 3 in F 12% 9-10% 61-62% 6 in any 2 4% 3 or 6 in F 505-522% 16-17% 14% 18%
APPENDIX Impact estimation: Logic Past data: of students who have completed GE, how have they distributed the 9 UD units? 2016-17 & 2017-18 degree recipients 41 different combinations Estimation: Shift required to follow rules of proposed new plan Example: Current: 3 units C, 3 units E, 3 units F (most common pattern) Plan 2: 3 units B, 3 units C, 3 units F (i.e., add 3 units to B, subtract 3 units from E) Weight shift by proportion of students in that pattern Timeline: Weight by proportion of students in new plan vs. old plan
APPENDIX: Details: Estimated impact from STRICT COMPLIANCE % increase/decrease^ B C D E F INCREASE DECREASE Fall 2021* 132 – 259% 8 – 15% 10 – 19% 15 – 29% 14 – 29% Fall 2022 253 – 517% 15 – 31% 19 – 38% 29 – 59% 28 – 57% Fall 2023 392 – 517% 23 – 31% 28 – 38% 45 – 59% 44 – 57% Fall 2024 501 – 517% 29 – 31% 36 – 38% 57 – 59% 56 – 57% *: minimal impact is expected prior to Fall 2021; most new FTF will not begin upper-division GE until 60+ units and new GE plan will begin Fall 2021 for new FTT ^: increase/decrease estimated from Fall 2018 enrollment
APPENDIX: Details: Estimated impact from MAX OF 3 IN C, D % increase/decrease^ B C D E F INCREASE DECREASE NEUTRAL Fall 2021* 132 – 259% 1 – 2% < 1% 16 – 31% Fall 2022 253 – 517% 2 – 3% 1 – 2 % 30 – 61% Fall 2023 392 – 517% ~ 2% 47 – 61% Fall 2024 501 – 517% 3 – 4% 60 – 61% *: minimal impact is expected prior to Fall 2021; most new FTF will not begin upper-division GE until 60+ units and new GE plan will begin Fall 2021 for new FTT ^: increase/decrease estimated from Fall 2018 enrollment
APPENDIX: Details: Estimated impact from 3 IN F % increase/decrease^ B C D E F INCREASE DECREASE Fall 2021* 132 – 259% 3 – 6% 2 – 5% 16 – 31% Fall 2022 253 – 517% 6 – 12% 4 – 9% 30 – 62% Fall 2023 392 – 517% 9 – 12% 7 – 9% 47 – 62% Fall 2024 501 – 517% ~ 12% 9 – 10% 61 – 62% *: minimal impact is expected prior to Fall 2021; most new FTF will not begin upper-division GE until 60+ units and new GE plan will begin Fall 2021 for new FTT ^: increase/decrease estimated from Fall 2018 enrollment
APPENDIX: Details: Estimated impact from 6 IN ANY 2 % increase/decrease^ B C D E F INCREASE NEUTRAL DECREASE Fall 2021* 132 – 259% < 1% 16 – 31% 1 – 2% Fall 2022 253 – 517% 30 – 61% 2 – 4% Fall 2023 392 – 517% 47 – 61% 3 – 4% Fall 2024 501 – 517% 60 – 61% ~ 4% *: minimal impact is expected prior to Fall 2021; most new FTF will not begin upper-division GE until 60+ units and new GE plan will begin Fall 2021 for new FTT ^: increase/decrease estimated from Fall 2018 enrollment
APPENDIX: Details: Estimated impact from 3 OR 6 IN F % increase/decrease^ B C D E F INCREASE DECREASE Fall 2021* 133 – 261% 4 – 8% 3 – 7% 16 – 31% 4 – 9% Fall 2022 256 – 522% 8 – 17% 7 – 14% 30 – 62% 9 – 18% Fall 2023 395 – 522% 13–17% 11 – 14% 47 – 62% 14 – 18% Fall 2024 505 – 522% 16 – 17% ~ 14% 61 – 62% ~ 18% *: minimal impact is expected prior to Fall 2021; most new FTF will not begin upper-division GE until 60+ units and new GE plan will begin Fall 2021 for new FTT ^: increase/decrease estimated from Fall 2018 enrollment