RISEN Uncover the Mystery Part 2: Testing the Theories I. What if the Resurrection Never Happened? I Cor. 15:14 – 20
RISEN Uncover the Mystery Part 2: Testing the Theories Our preaching and faith is Delusional (vs. 14b) The Apostles integrity is Destroyed (vs. 15) Our salvation and eternal life is Denied (vs. 17b, 18)
RISEN Uncover the Mystery Part 2: Testing the Theories D. Christ’s power is limited by Death (I Cor. 15:56,57) E. There is no Difference between Christ and other religious leaders F. Ultimately the Deity of Christ is Disproved
RISEN Uncover the Mystery Part 2: Testing the Theories II. What are the Theories of What Happened to the Body? Matt. 28:11 – 15
RISEN Uncover the Mystery Part 2: Testing the Theories A. The Stolen Body (Matt. 28:11 - 15) 1. The Romans 2. The Jews 3. The Disciples B. The Disappearing Body
RISEN Uncover the Mystery Part 2: Testing the Theories C. The Myth Theory – The church made it all up! D. The Mass Hallucination theory (I Cor. 15:5—8)
RISEN Uncover the Mystery Part 2: Testing the Theories E. The Swoon Theory – Jesus only slept F. The Wrong Tomb theory (Matt. 28:1; John 20:3 - 9)