Castallo and Silky LLC Jessica Cohen and Alan Pole, Consultants School Facilities Use Study Oneida City School District Board of Education Presentation June 12, 2018 Castallo and Silky LLC Jessica Cohen and Alan Pole, Consultants
Thank You! Oneida Board of Education and Administration Advisory Committee Dr. John Costello Megan Kelly Jennifer DePerno Chad Mack Jodie Gardner Stephanie Neff Molly Hagan Dawn Paz Randy Hirschey Robert Sayles Carrie Isabelle Lillian White David Wright
Purpose of the Study (8) In considering a number of options, is there a better way educationally and fiscally to reconfigure the grades and facilities to provide a sound instructional program now and in the future? Castallo & Silky LLC-Education Consultants
The district’s enrollment has declined from 2,211 in 2012-13 to 1,948 in 2017-18 and will likely continue to decline. (12)
The neighborhood school concept has been embraced by Oneida for the location of its elementary schools. (18)
The Building Condition Survey has identified approximately $20,000,000 of work to be considered in the district’s facilities. (37)
Option 1-Status Quo (57-58)
Option 2-Grade Center Plan (59-60)
Option 3-Close One of the Elementary Schools (60-61)
Option 3a-Close One of the Elementary Schools in 2022-23 (61)
Option 4-Combine Low Enrollment Sections at Willard Prior (61-62)
Summary of Financial Savings by Option (64-65)
Recommendation #1 (65) It is recommended that the district convene a facilities planning committee whose role it will be to develop and monitor a long term facilities plan for the district. This committee should be provided with annual enrollment projections to guide their planning as they consider topics that might include the closure of one or more of the school buildings, the scope of work to be performed from the Building Condition Survey, the long term design of appropriate school facilities and the financing of these initiatives. This committee should be comprised of both school staff and members of the community.
Recommendation #2 (65) It is recommended that, effective with the beginning of the 2018-19 school year, the Board of Education implement Option 4 and consolidate the low enrollment sections of Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade at Willard Prior.
Recommendation #3 (65) It is recommended that, effective with the beginning of the 2018-19 school year, the Board of Education continue to implement Option 1, the status quo option for all schools except Willard Prior.
Recommendation #4 (66) It is recommended that, during the 2018-19 school year, the district convene the facilities committee to begin the development of a 3-5 year facilities plan that will result in the closure of one of the district’s elementary schools. While there are a number of instructional and financial benefits to the grade center plan, it is recommended that this option not be considered as the changes associated with the implementation of grade center schools would be too unsettling as the district prepares for the closure of one of its elementary schools.
Recommendation #5 (66) It is recommended that the district use the attrition method for reducing staff should any staff reductions be realized from this initiative.
Recommendation #6 (66) It is recommended that the Board of Education conduct at least one public hearing/comment period on these options for the general public to express opinions.
Questions ???? Castallo & Silky LLC-Education Consultants